Nasty little clique of uber hotties

Well, similar creatures to yourself, of course. Little ‘Paris Hiltons’ like hanging with other little Paris Hiltons, not with plainjanes getting their degrees in elementary teaching or business administration.
So, how do you go about that? Well, you set up a Facebook group, of course. A Facebook collective known as ‘Organization of Pretty People’. For Ashley (Barbie) Paras, founder of the OPP, she decided she only wanted to associate with young women as pretty as she. And, with a vomit-inducing sense of hubris in play, Ashley knows she’s real pretty and will be the first to tell you. She’s pretty, and slim and tiny and fashionable and her Facebook group wants similar sorts So, if you’re an ‘uggo’ or even relatively ordinary looking, maybe have a bit of a complexion problem, packing a few extra pounds, know how to read without moving your lips and other undesirable traits, don’t both to knock. The divine Miss Ashley don’t wantcha, nor do her execrable (albeit pretty Ashley lookalike) buddies.
One part of the equation that is clear with this group is that those admitted to the charmed circle cannot, indeed must not be more attractive than the initial coven. That would create unfair competition in the cabal when it comes to attractive equally vacuous males, which is the primary objective for these stunning little hotties.
If you think the foregoing is bunk, you would be wrong. It’s absolutely for real. Just when you thought the world couldn’t get stupider, meaner and nastier, you find out you are wrong. For, as Ms. Paras states, unattractive girls try to join the clique “all the time,” but to no avail. “Usually we just hang out with people who are small – like short, skinny and pretty, too.”
So, what is afoot here? Remember the widely held myths of the 1970s that maintained females were in all respects the gentler, milder and kinder sex? I do. I remember my schoolteacher ex wife telling me that the screeds from upon high looked only at schoolyard bullying from the perspective of boys thumping out other boys.
My point is, perhaps we stop looking at cruelty and viciousness as something gender specific and maybe re-examine the shoddy values of a society that gives spawn to the likes of Ashley and her friends. I am suggesting girls, grow up, and realize that, despite the public obsession with certain elements of Hollywood trash and their bad behavior, you might look to another direction in your likes. And, maybe society should also reconsider its fascination with the tawdry, cheap, vainglorious and nasty.
Labels: Hmm, something's wrong here
From your lips to God's ear, sweet man.
I'm pretty sure that if things don't change really soon, North America will sink, giggling, into the sea.
Amen! Preach it, brother!
One thing that consoles me Ian, beauty fades, intelligence does not. So in 30 years, they'll still be shallow and clueless, and on top of it they won't be pretty either. ;o) Whereas the intelligent "ordinary" girls will have had a life of achievement and will still be fun to be with because of their intelligence.
Oh fer cryin' out loud.
There's just no shame, is there.
i have no clue who these vacuous bimbos are, nor do i care... but your points are taken....
I suppose the upside is that if they segregate themselves, te rest of us don't have to deal with them.
What BB said. He seems to have crawled into my brain today.
How do you find out this stuff? Those girls definitely need to grow up.
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Hi, I'm Barbie Ashley Paras :)
We've never met.
I hang out with ALL types of people. I don't hang out with all petite people, I wasn't even thinking about what I was saying, and our primary objectives aren't males.
I started O.P.P as a JoKe and had no idea it was going to become such a big deal. I'm sorry that you were offended but it wasn't meant to be taken sooo seriously. You're more than welcome to join my group :)
The problem here is not in the fact that groups of high school and post-pubescent females have created "nasty little cliques," rather that blogs and articles written about them heighten awareness place them on a pedestal.
If you want to contend that "hotties" are grouping together and shunning "uggos", then it would be apt to claim that "uggos" could group together and shun the "hotties."
Objectively speaking, beauty has been constructed by the media, but would not have been constructed in a way which was not widely accepted. That is to say, if society felt that grey hair was sexy, than the societal elite (those who are in the spotlight) would dye their hair grey.
The state of beauty and social networking in Western society is far from disarray. In fact, it is to our benefit to have goals and ideals which can be achieved from a psychological and physical standpoint.
Arguing against these "nasty little cliques" is to argue against females who decide to cheerlead, tween groups who collect trading cards, and elderly who congregate at their local rec. centre for bridge. Considering the social disconnect in our society and our incapacity as individuals to engage in actual conversation without resorting to technological based activities such as facebook and SMS, we should be applauding these so-called "nasty little cliques."
You wouldn't complain that you could not hit a jump-shot like Kobe Bryant, a homerun like Barry Bonds, or your inability to split the atom? Then why would you complain about the physical attributes of others? It's not their fault that those particular physical attributes are coveted by society.
The fact that people are assuming that “Barbie” is some “dumb” pretty chick, is not accurate at all. Ok she made a group that based on beauty, no one should be “ganging up on her, its her choice who she feels should be apart of her company, those who suits her life style. There are so many people, groups on face book that shows how human “LOVE” to divide each other up. Groups based on girls with a Big “booty” or groups based on which skin colour is more attractive. I understand that there are those who disagree with the group, but the fact remains everyone choose to set them selves aside . Just like how everyone choose to “rage” on a group that is a little more strict. Life based on choose, just like the choice that was made by most assuming this group was made up of dump people.
Yes Barbie is gorgeous!! Just because she choose to set her self and others aside should not fill her with a sense of insecurity, nor change her point of views.
P.S -- Barbie hold your own
Keep it real
This is a member of this so called nasty little clique of uber hotties.
As Ashley previously stated the group was started as a joke, taht grew into something bigger and bigger and then started to be recgonized...clearly.
Let me tell you first hand that although you may think we are not level headed and a paris hilton clique you could not be more far from the truth. Barbie is one of the nicest, most considerate females i have ever met and for you to judge her purely based on a simple Facebook group is quite low on your own account.
And maybe before you pass judgements on everyone in the group you should research them first because for your information many of the females in the group are well on their way to gainign diplomas, degrees and various other graduation acceptances and let me tell you their not all in fashion management and make up artist etc. We are more than capable of being intelligent along with pretty.
And open up your eyes and "preach" what you need to but clearly you missed Barbies point behind the group, it is open to ALL views of beauty and everyone is free to upload what they consider beautiful.
A nasty little member of Barbies clique of uber hotties
Just to reiterate what was said earlier, beauty does NOT equal stupidity. This whole article and some of the posts are assuming that because these girls vlaue beauty and a sense of style they are somehow purely shallow and have no depth. Its funny that you can exclaim "preach it" when you are quick to make assumptions based a group on FACEBOOK without going on the members profiles and looking at their accomplishments. These girls are accomplished young woemn and people can ACT as if looks don't count but they do. If these girls have both beauty and brains more power to them. I'm guessing MOST of you would not be upset if the group was called Organizationof Pretty and Intelligent People..or would this be a blog talking about how unfair it is not to include those of 'average' or 'below average' intelligence? Hey if you feel you are are a 'plain jane' maybe you should seek ways to enhance your self esteem. These girls classify THEMSELVES as pretty, you don't have to agree and lump all of them as Paris Hilton-esque, by looking SOLELY at their value of asthetics you are ignoring their complete personalities. Its true beauty does fade, but these girl have beauty, intelligence, class, SELF ESTEEM, etc. Its an OPEN group, therefore members define beauty for themselves not by Paris Hilton's standards.
You offer evidence that there is in fact a direct correlation between people who place immense importance on beauty and the inability to form intelligent thoughts.
I don’t want to be mean, but what kind of IDIOT gives an interview for a major Canadian newspaper and then says “I wasn't even thinking about what I was saying”
And the quote below is from someone who comes to your defense. These so-called sentences do not even make grammatical sense!
“There are so many people, groups on face book that shows how human “LOVE” to divide each other up. Life based on choose, just like the choice that was made by most assuming this group was made up of dump people.”
I figure unintelligent comments are expected when after all it is a group based on attractiveness. Not to say all members are not intelligent, though so far many are proving themselves otherwise.
And for the record, my perceptions of you Barbie are based not only on your actions but direct quotes from your mouth that you gave to media. If you learn one thing today, it’s THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, especially when giving interviews to national newspapers. DUH!
If some of your members do in fact have a degree, that’s great. However, if you do have a degree it does not guarantee success in your career. I personally think it’s really not that difficult to get a degree, approximately 25% of females in Ontario have one, including myself of course.
So in no way am I suggesting that you can’t be beautiful and have ample intelligence as that would contradict my reality. I do suggest that perpetuating shallow minded thinking to the masses is immature and just plain stupid.
K honestly, this is getting lame and boring.
If people want to act like children whining, crying, and ranting about something that started off as an INSIDE joke between MY FRIENDS and I...whatever. THAT'S immature.
We're young, we're just having FUN! Lighten up and stop taking things so seriously and looking into things so drastically. Try to enjoy life :) K bye ta-ta :) Peace, Love, and Happiness! And again, feel free to join my group :) Love you all :) *kisssssesss
N/a who ever you are Get a Life. wow so your pretty much saying that if you defend your friend people rae going to starte picking on you wow ok its all gud, well i wrote what i belive and truly you sound like a smart person, but the fact that you want to get at me because i was defending a friend. Wow you funny ok so hope your ready to piont out everytthing im doing wrong in my response. Find all the spelling and anything eles you want, so wat you gon do u, tell me im dumb cause me wan ddefend my friend, me naw scared of u. lol!. I really dont care for what you think, so have fun correnting. All i could say is your low life self startes to pick at everyone who may seem not to fit your level of intelligence. I have respect for frend and if that means your going to have some shit to say, then say it, me naw fraid of a life too funny.
"If some of your members do in fact have a degree, that’s great. However, if you do have a degree it does not guarantee success in your career. I personally think it’s really not that difficult to get a degree, approximately 25% of females in Ontario have one, including myself of course."
I don't think the implication that a degree guarantees success necessarily but it does infact implicate a high level of intelligence. Which you cannot argue it does not. Regardless of your institution, a degree and, to a certain extent, a diploma is a great intellectual achievement.
But it's interesting to say that obtaining a degree is easy, as a woman. 1 in 4 females in Ontario, as you claim, are able to obtain there degree. To me, there seems to be an insinuation that 3 of 4 females are either Paris Hilton-esques, or "idiots." Nevertheless, your claim that 25% equates to an easily attainable degree is beyond ignorant. Three quarters of the female population without post-secondary education? That's what is truly "nasty."
Your post, in my opinion, just seems to bash Barbie for her interview. If you want to give the Toronto Sun and credibility for even publishing an article about a group on FACEBOOK, that's your decision. Personally, you should be arguing why reporting a group like this is even news worthy.
Sun media is such a joke.
You completely misunderstood the point. You are WAY off in getting it too. Therefore I won’t take your ignorant accusation seriously.
If you read the posts above, someone was more or less saying that people who are pretty CAN be intelligent too. I fully agree with this point. How could I not? Look at Ivanka Trump, a model and a top business school graduate.
A member pointed out that many of them have degrees or are working towards one, no surprise there. So my point is there are many different measures of intelligence. And therefore I believe that there are many people WITHOUT DEGREES that are EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT in ways that I am not. Many of my friends fall into this category and I give them much respect.
However I also believe that getting a degree especially in certain subjects is reasonably attainable, obviously that is if you put in the work and have a good memory. I NEVER said getting a degree is “EASY”, don’t MISQUOTE. I said it is “NOT THAT DIFFICULT” meaning it is difficult but not unattainable. What I attempted for the reader to understand is that just because you have a degree does not mean you lack intelligence in other areas.
I think this is probably this first time I have even felt compelled to post on a blog. I was shocked at Barbie quotes and actions. Barbie epitomizes the new breed of shallow-minded girls who deserve no respect. And you got one thing right; it is a bash on Barbie, clearly she deserves a wake up call, which I should know by now will never fully reach her.
“Canwest Global Communications, offers newspaper, television and unique online content from some of the nation's MOST-TRUSTED and well-respected media properties, including NATIONAL POST”
Wow. That just makes me think you are a friend of Barbie’s. You clearly don’t know what’s up either. Hopefully this post will help you to understand what I wrote.
Barbie - well-though out responses do not classify as childish whining, ironic your last response however was exactly just that, childish.
Lil mama I don’t care about spelling mistakes, lol but for god’s sakes write a sentence that actually makes sense. If English isn’t your first language, I’ll let that pass.
I have no idea where you get that I have low-self esteem, the reason I am even here writing is because I want girls to have a high self-esteem regardless of appearance.
“Paras says unattractive girls try to join her clique ``all the time.'' But as with her OPP (``if you aren't pretty, I don't want you in the group''), Paras prefers not to take chances.
``Usually we just hang out with people who are small - like short, skinny and pretty, too. Because it just looks weird if we hang out with a girl who's bigger than us. It's awkward,'' she explains. ``We try to be friends with people who complement us.''
Bottom-line, Barbie should be embarrassed for saying those comments and yet she isn’t. That just speaks volumes about what type of person she is, and how she will continue to live her life. Anyone who comes to her defense really needs to evaluate what their standing up for? Is it because you agree with her views on friendships, or are you a friend who is equally as shallow as she is?
Forgot to mention
Michael if you actually read the article; the basis of it is referring to a scientific study conducted in reference to a social occurrence. The article is not about Barbie however she added entertainment value to it. I am absolutely certain that most people with and without degrees reading that article were laughing at her stupidity.
Yeah you guys are sooo lame. Get over yourself. I don't know why MY actions bother you SOO much. You don't even know me. Why don't you focus on YOUR life instead of the lives of YOUTHS. If you guys are soo awesome, and so intelligent why don't you do something more productive than quote someone you don't even know, and RANT about a group that was made as a joke? K this is my last response I'm not wasting my time. I'm going out to party with my O.P.P. If you want to say something negative say it. Bottom line is WE'RE young and having fun, and YOU'RE grumpy devoting your life trying to bring us down. GET A LIFE! tata I still love you btw
K, tata, i still love you
You are my male doppelganger.
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