Sunday, January 27, 2008

Have we got a question for you

A meme that comes by way of cs originally, and I picked it up from Echomouse, and I kind of enjoyed working through it on a day without a great deal of inspiration. I'm not going to tag anybody, but try it nevertheless; it's fun.

1) Three Exes I would pretend not to know today: I don’t do that sort of thing any more. I went for quite a while ignoring my second wife because I was so angry and hurt with her. But, eventually I softened and ultimately I forgave her, sort of. If one continues to hate, then the other person has power over one. She has no power over me. Ironically, she only lives a block away, and we wave pleasantly if we pass, or we stop and chat in the local grocery store on occasion. My first wife and I get along well now, though five minutes conversation with her leads me to thank God I am no longer married to her. And, I love my ex-paramours very much, though I rarely see any of them.

2) The most scandalous rumor to pass through my high school: Highschools are rife with rumors, most of them false. I cannot think of any that were egregiously scandalous. There were the usual male teacher screwing female student ones, though none were verifiable or led to ugly marital breakups. It was rumoured that one of the female gym teachers was in a lesbian relationship with her star female athlete. Maybe they were. I don’t know, and certainly don’t care by this point in life. Hey, as long as they were happy, I don’t judge.

3) The time I knew Santa didn't exist: The last time I remember fully believing in Santa. was Christmas when I was five-years-old. I recall trying to stay awake until he arrived, despite the fact I was told if I was awake I would only get coal in my stocking. In any case, I didn’t succeed in staying awake, and it was a good thing, because that was also the only Christmas I got exactly what I’d asked for. For whatever reason, by the time I was six, I had become jaded and unbelieving about the whole business. Christmas lost some of its charm at that point. Fantasies can be better than reality in many realms.

4) The funniest thing I did in a house of worship: I put my mother into giggling hysterics at my younger brother’s wedding. I was sitting with my mother on one side and my wife on the other. I was leafing through the hymnbook when I spotted a particular hymn title that struck me as hilarious. It was called “Through the night of pain and sorrow, O Lord deliver us.” That’s what Colin and Lynn chose as their wedding hymn,” I told Mom. She laughed so hard tears were running down her cheeks, and was furious with me about it all. Considering the brief duration of my brother’s first marriage, I think it was appropriate.

5) Best excuse I came up with for being out past curfew: Any excuse I would have given would have never been believed, so I simply had to bear with being in deep shit yet again. Was the story of my adolescence.

6) Saturday cartoon character I had a crush on: Maybe Betty Boop. She was pretty darn cute with her teeny little flapper skirts that showed off her panties. Showing off panties always worked for me. Still does.

7) Cartoon character I wanted to be: Can’t think of any cartoon character I particularly wanted to be. I guess maybe Superman who could fly and had that X-ray vision which would let a lad get up to all sorts of shenanigans. Batman had a great costume, but there was that Robin thing, you know. I always really liked the little Martian in the Warner Bros. Cartoons, but I never wanted to be him.

8) Foods I can no longer stomach: Green peppers, which will stay with me for days. The loss of that one doesn’t bother me as much as raw onions. To me a burger is incomplete without a big slice of raw onion. But nearly lethal heartburn has been the result of such usage for the last decade or so. Consequently, I refrain, much to my displeasure.

9) Tacky pick up line you used that worked: I actually had “I know you from somewhere, don’t I?” work for me once. It didn’t work immediately, but it opened up conversation in trying to decide what the connection might be. We actually found we did know somebody in common. Eventually it did work, because we stayed in touch for a while. My friend used to be more basic. He used to say (usually after he’d had too much to drink), “Hey there, wanna (basic F word expression for ‘indulge in carnality’)? Surprsingly, it paid off for him on a couple of occasions. I never had the nerve to try it. Anyway, I am a bit out of practice. For some reason my wife objects to me picking up females in bars. She's funny that way.

10) Secret Hangover recipe: The basic one is to not drink too much, then you don’t need to worry about it. Otherwise, only drink ‘white’ booze, like vodka or gin. But, alas back in the days when I still drank, and often way too much, the only thing I found that worked was the proverbial ‘hair of the dog.’



Blogger CS said...

Oh, that's weird, I was sure I had seen it here. But now you've made it true, so that's okay.

The only reason #10 works is because it extends the time you have an elevated BAC, and it eases the withdrawal.

Oh and, congratulations! I have an award for you over at my place!

5:33 PM  
Blogger Tanya Brown said...

What a great day for a meme! Enjoyed your responses, which took me straight back to the horrid, unlamented days of high school. May the place rot in hell.

5:41 PM  
Blogger heartinsanfrancisco said...

I think it's amazing that you and your ex-wife maintain a friendly facade at least.

My first husband happened to be dining in a restaurant in another state when I walked in with our daughter and my present husband, but as soon as he saw me, he and his wife left. I suspect he was afraid I would spill what I knew about him.

7:37 PM  
Blogger jmb said...

As always a meme done with flare and with a difference.

You must be quite the guy to be on good terms with both your exes. One only a block away must be really weird.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Ellee Seymour said...

I'm impressed with No2, how you manage to get along with your ex-wives, not always easy. At the end of the day, the past is the past and you are happy, hopefully they are too.

4:20 AM  

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