I don't want truth, tell me the bad stuff

Everyone knows the tale of Lizzie Borden, the Massachusetts spinster who did whack her mom and dad with an axe 40 times, as the legend goes. What many people either don’t know, or choose to not believe, is that poor old Lizzie was acquitted.

Fatty Arbuckle, the rotund silent film comic who did, it was said, force his drunken carnal attentions on a young party girl at a time she was in dire need of a pee. The result was, her bladder burst during the encounter, and she died of peritonitis. Fatty was charged. But, again it is not generally known is that he was exonerated.
Whether or not the aforementioned were really guilty or innocent doesn’t matter, the point is that we choose to believe they were guilty because it makes the tale more enticing. Neither Lizzie nor Fatty will ever get a posterity break. Unfair? You bet it is. And it’s not far removed from one of us believing that a friend is involved in an affair because you saw him or her having a drink in a bar with a desirable person of the opposite sex. In fact, it was a sharing of a potable after a business meeting, and nothing more questionable than that. But how much more fun to believe the gossipy possibility. “Frank and Helen broke up? Well, I’m not surprised, because you know he was having an affair.”
That’s because there is a human tendency to believe gossip more than truth, according to a study http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071015/sc_nm/gossip_power_dc_1 mounted by the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Even when we know the truth of the situation, we are (at least some of us are) more enticed by the seamier side of possibilities. We will listen to what others say rather than opt for that which is real. Eventually the falsehood assumes a life of its own and that part lives on in legend.
As an example, most people know that British naval hero Lord Nelson was blind in one eye. And down through the years he has been pictured as having a black eye patch. In two films on his life (focusing his torrid affair with Lady Hamilton) he was depicted by Olivier and Peter Finch as sporting an eye patch. Truth of the matter: He never wore an eye patch. But, isn’t it much more fitting for a randy old seadog like Nelson to have a patch? Of course. Hence the patch.
There are others who are so obsessed with their own version of the world, that conflicts with the reality, that they devote time and energy to finding validation of a belief that suits them best.
Hence, you have:
- A few thousand Elvis sightings every year.
- A belief that Jim Morrison of the Doors is still wandering around Paris
- An obsession that man never walked on the Moon and that the whole landing thing was filmed in a highly arid area of Arizona, Nevada, California or New Mexico
- That there is an alien sequestered away somewhere around Rosewell
- The Royal Family was behind a plot to bump off Princess Diana
- A belief that Paris Hilton underwent such a transformation in jail she is truly going to devote the rest of her life to good works.
Labels: a walk on the seamy side, gossip
Well said but it falls down when you mention OJ Simpson (The Enquirer told me so).
Gossip and salacious tidbits are always more interesting than the bare facts.
Too bad it does so much harm to so many .. this gossip.
Dont we just love conspiracy theories. How sad are we!!
Gossiping is a truly despicable trait whether with your next door neighbor or as a conspiracy theory. It does no one any good.
When I was a child we used to have 'party lines' on our phone - there were 4 persons using our line one of which was a terrible gossiper. I remember Mother mentioning to a neighbor she busy with party plans for New Year's Eve and would be unable to take the minutes for the Ladies Aid meeting. Within hours the calls started coming in from various people offering help and hinting they would like to be at her party. A lot of uninvited guests stopped in on that particular evening...
But Paris did have a life changing revelation, and she is devoting her life to good works. I believe this, yes I do.
My Dad told me that all the black ladies that worked with him at the tobacco plant were DEAD SURE that the moon landing was staged. And they ALL believed it. This was just after it happened. They could not accept that men had walked on the moon and we could see it on TV. Maybe that's part of it - comprehension. If your brain just can't relate at all to the facts of the matter it jumps to something that makes it easier to digest. Just a guess.
How many lovely salacious stories are spoiled by the truth!!
why let mere 'truth' get in the way of the 'facts'? ;) lol
it was a sharing of a potable after a business meeting
The sharing of a potable.. I love that!
And isn't Ms. Hilton headed off to Rwanda to visit orphanages and shit? See, she is the next Mother Teresa.
hello ian, i hope you don't mind my visit. i've seen your comments at a few of my favorite blogs so i'm finally dropping in.
reading this i am aware that gossip does not have much room in my life these days. i'm glad of that. i am however always fascinated by the social-psych stories-behind-the-stories, even and especially, i admit, about brad and angelina.
as for oj, i still demand that the universe takes care of business.
best wishes.
The threshhold for being pronounced guilty is a higher hurdle than finding out what really happened.
Poor, OJ. We all think he is guilty. And he probably is.
"Well I heard that...."
Interesting study, that.
Gossip makes the world go 'round. Makes and breaks our reputations without us having to do a thing!
your blog post title here is the philosophy one of my neighbors goes by.
*Heavy sigh* Don't get me started on people who stubbornly adhere to *their* version of the world and reality. But that has nothing to do with gossip and everything to do with one mentally unstable person's justification for not listening to and respecting her son. God help us all for not being more willing to question ourselves and our interpretation of truth, reality and the world.
I didn't know those details in the Arbuckle case before and now I wish I didn't!
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