Something evil is afoot (sorry) here

They found Foot #5 yesterday. In case you aren’t aware of this utterly bizarre tale from coastal BC, one that has stumped (no tasteless pun intended here) cops, the public, and assuredly beachcombers, it is this one. As follows is a news account of the latest pedal finding:
DELTA, B.C. -- A fifth foot -- this one a left one -- has washed up on an island in the mouth of B.C.'s Fraser River.
Delta Police Const. Sharlene Brooks said the human left foot was spotted floating in the water off Westham Island on Monday morning by two walkers.
"The [left] foot was encased in a shoe and was partly submerged in the water," Brooks said.
In previous months, four other feet have washed up on B.C. shores.
On May 22, one foot was found by a person walking on Kirkland Island, an uninhabited piece of land in the south arm of the Fraser River, just a kilometre from Westham Island.
Last August, two feet encased in shoes washed up on Gabriola and Jedediah islands, just south of Quadra in the Strait of Georgia. And in February, another severed foot was found on nearby Valdes Island.
All the previous finds had been right feet, found within about 95 kilometres of each other. Each one has been in a sneaker.
None of them appear to have been forcibly severed from their legs. And the first two were size 12.
Now, what could be better than a nice stroll on the beach? You saunter along at tide line just to see what you can find: shells, agates, if you’re very lucky one of those beautiful green Japanese fishing floats that still wash up, albeit rarely.
“What’d you find, Ralph?”
“Oh, you know, some pretty shells, some very cool rocks, foot, fishing float.”
“Foot with sneaker?”
“What else? They’re always encased in sneakers. Right one this time, about a size 12, I’d guess. So, a guy’s foot or a very large woman.”
“Damn, I wish we’d find something interesting sometime.
But, seriously. This is not something out of science fiction, and it is thoroughly distressing to law enforcement folks. I ask you, what can the explanation be?
- industrial accident? OK, but five industrial accidents, none of which were reported?
- Localized version on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? No such crimes have been unearthed.
- Hospital somewhere in the heartland just a little too casual about amputated bits?
- Aliens amputating bits of human anatomy to study and then chucking them out the spacecraft when they’re done with them? Naah. Too far fetched. Mind you, five amputated feet are pretty far-fetched, too.
- People suffering from borderline personality illness not content with mere cutting of themselves, cutting themselves much more deeply?
- Some sort of Armageddon signal that the end of the world has truly arrived?
I have no answers. Quite seriously, what do you think? I’d love to read your theories. Just ask yourself, how would Grissom on CSI handle this? Surely he’d solve it in less than an hour, with commercials thrown in.
I have no answers. Quite seriously, what do you think? I’d love to read your theories. Just ask yourself, how would Grissom on CSI handle this? Surely he’d solve it in less than an hour, with commercials thrown in.
thing that makes most sense to me: stowaways thrown overboard....
Sounds like a serial killer. Have you noticed that even murders have become more vicious over the past 30 years? It used to be that murder itself was enough. Now there are so many that include mutilation.
It's simple enough...serial killer.
"None of them appear to have been forcibly severed from their legs."
What the hell does that mean? Is there a non-forcible way to sever a foot from theleg? Are they suggesting that shod feet have beenjust popping off pepole's legs?
Yeah, I'm going with the serial killer theory, too. And the severed feet seem like taunting the public/cops.
Foot #6 found! Check out my blog. (Hee hee -- beat ya!)
Somewhere I read that it isn't unusual for extremities to separate from bodies which are immersed for long periods of time. I've tried not to dwell on the mechanism by which that would happen.
Whatever is going on, I feel for both the former owners of the feet and the people who've found the orphaned limbs.
I've got my theory posted on my blog. And no, I shall NOT be swimming at the beach this summer.
Rather disturbing. I'm not even sure I want to think about it.
If theres a simple explanation ... please tell us.
If its just another incident of mans inhumanity to his fellow man .... I think I want to be an ostrich.
I've been reading on this over the past two days. Quite captivating indeed. I too immediately concede to the serial killer theory. My, oh, my.
No theory just amazed by the whole thing. I wonder if we'll ever know.
What's afoot?
(12 inches)
Eegads. This is so gruesome. Real life is more scary than fiction anyday, anytime.
I share many of the thoughts here. Serial murderer. Organized crime spree. Stowaways or refugees.
Ian, please don't go swimming or to the coast for a while, okay!
Kimberhas an interesting theory on that.
Oh, and she already posted that she does. I'm so lame! But I put in a link!!! So there!
Mind boggling. Serial killer seems the most likely theory, but if no one is missing... ?? Surely one would notice if the foot were missing from a loved one?
I believe it is a reality tv plot gone horribly wrong.
For some reason this is the funniest thing I've read in a really long time- nice work Ian. What a nightmare! I love how they're always "encased" in sneakers. It was obviously an athlete's foot.
You mentioned Grissom and now I can't concentrate properly... *sigh*...
I believe Wolfgrrl has the right answer...sad, but true.
We've heard about this in the UK too. I wonder where the rest of the body parts are. It is certainly gruesome.
Girl With the Mask sent me here. I'd like to know how they found out two of them were size 12. Did they put them in one of those shoe shop measuring contraptions? I've been pondering theories for a few minutes but now I feel slightly queasy so I must dash ... bye for now.
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