Gimme a little kiss, willya huh'?

You must remember this ….
A kiss is just a kiss.
A sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply as time goes by.
And a kiss, being just a kiss, is also a fundamental thing. It is the base-line for one human caring for another, either superficially, or as deeply as one can feel. That's why I've always loved the Eisenstaedt photo of the sailor and the nurse on VJ Day. It captures the true allure of what a kiss can be, spontaneous, impulsive, celebratory (hey, the war is over!), sexy (even though they're strangers) and intensely human. So now, about the kiss.
First, I’ll be clinical and look at the blissful buss for what it is. Come down to it, at its barest elements (and if you are bare, it can be more enjoyable, especially if you are bare with somebody you really like being bare with, so bear with me) kissing is an odd thing. If it is a romantic kiss, it is a matter placing one human mouth upon another for a length of time that is determined by time, place, nature of relationship and whether or not children or extraneous family members are within proximity. In other words, this can be a kiss as an isolated event, or as a prelude to enchanting amorous endeavors.
That considered, the fact remains that the kiss is an age-old manifestation of love, trust, respect, and a thousand other positive things. Actually, nine-hundred-and-ninety-seven, but you get my drift. Kissing is practiced in almost all cultures, even though our majority, essentially European in heritage, probably developed kissing’s romantic connection in its highest form. However, to give the complete picture of the kiss, we should consider it in all its expressions, from the prosaic to the sublimely poetic:
The obligatory kiss: This is reserved for aged aunties at Christmastime. This represents the first instant in a child’s life in which he or she becomes aware of the fact that not all family obligations are necessarily fun, especially if the aged auntie has whiskers on her chin.
The family love kiss: These are the kisses between parents and children and grandparents and the family dog and all others that go to making up the unit. These are good kisses, as long as they’re not ritualized, because they indicate to the individual throughout his life, even if he ends up lying in the gutter at the wrong end of a bottle of rice wine, that somebody once cared because his mom kissed him.
The kiss of respect: This is reserved for the Pope’s ring, the Queen’s hand and the Bible. Such kisses indicate that the symbolic personages or icons are the keys to civilization as we know it and should be accorded the highest gesture of love and/or fealty. This is probably the most ancient form of kissing.
The kiss of death: This is a curious perversion of the basic idea that a kiss must be a positive gesture. The kiss from a Mafia boss to an underling indicates that he accords complete trust in the hit man to carry out his grim task. If the kiss is from the Mafioso to a perceived traitor, said traitor knows to not bother buying the green bananas.
Kisses between members of the same sex: This is largely a cultural matter. Women in our society are permitted, and even encouraged to kiss each other. Men, on the other hand, would be violating a significant taboo unless they either happen to be related, or are in a gay relationship. Otherwise, it’s a matter of a cringeworthy nature among straight men. Indeed, most men become stiff and awkward and uncomfortable and go out to buy popcorn at such moments in Brokeback Mountain, for example. Straight men also start to talk in much deeper voices under such circumstances. But, it is cultural, as I suggest. Go to an Italian railroad station at arrival or departure time and you’ll see guys puckering up for each other all over the place.
The social kiss: Usually a pleasant act of trust and friendship between compatible people at a time of arriving or leaving. This kiss is often accompanied by a hug and is directed at the cheek, just so there is no misinterpretation of what has gone on.
The party kiss: Much like the social kiss, but usually the disinhibiting element of booze has been thrown into the mix, such as on New Year’s Eve, and this can sometimes lead to social kisses getting a bit out of hand to the degree, in certain cases, that other amorous behaviors ensue between non-spousal individuals, leaving any divorce lawyers present to rub their hands in venal glee at the possibilities of new employment on the immediate horizon.
The blown kiss and the tiresome air kiss: Hardly kisses at all, or kisses at their most symbolic levels. Both are popular with movie starlets and society matrons who really don’t give much of a damn about the recipients. Mere gestures that should be ignored.
Now that we have considered all those other kisses, let’s look at the real thing: the romantic kiss. These are the kisses about which songs and poetry have been written. These are the good ones, expresses ultimately with a definite conclusion in mind.
The first kiss: This can happen at sixteen or sixty, and in both cases if it is with an especially coveted and desired person, it is pure magic. This kiss is the test, as well. Does it measure up to all prior expectations? After all, you’ve probably been anticipating this moment for ages. Did the sparks fly? Was it sweet and promising; lusty and demanding, or maybe a tad disappointing? Relationships have truly been made or broken at this pivotal point. Just a reminder to newcomers, always lick your lips prior to that first kiss. It will go much better.
The good night kiss: The bane of every teenager’s dating life (and some older daters, too). Should I or shouldn’t I? Should I let him or not? It’s an important decision. If he is too pushy, will she shy away? If he shies away, will she think he’s kind of a dweeb, or possibly gay? It is a quandary, but fortunately one that usually works itself out.
The unexpected kiss: You are expecting a soft and sweet meeting of the lips of the sort that has been promised by a certain biological impulse manifested from lingering eye contact and other gestures from a person with whom you have never indulged in this activity before, but he seems completely amenable to such an oral coming-together. When the kiss begins it is indeed soft and sweet, and then it becomes more and more urgent and powerful and promising. (ahem)
The ‘taking care of business’ kiss: This is the ‘preliminary’ kiss between lovers, marital partners and the like that is designed to take the couple to greater intimacies. If the mood is right, it is a wonderful thing in itself and a vital part of the whole package. Only one important point, take time after all the other stuff has been done to also indulge in a few kisses. Frosting on the cake, as it were and it’s a nicety that stands a body in good stead for a welcome return to such cuddliness at a later date.
A kiss is just a kiss.
A sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply as time goes by.
And a kiss, being just a kiss, is also a fundamental thing. It is the base-line for one human caring for another, either superficially, or as deeply as one can feel. That's why I've always loved the Eisenstaedt photo of the sailor and the nurse on VJ Day. It captures the true allure of what a kiss can be, spontaneous, impulsive, celebratory (hey, the war is over!), sexy (even though they're strangers) and intensely human. So now, about the kiss.
First, I’ll be clinical and look at the blissful buss for what it is. Come down to it, at its barest elements (and if you are bare, it can be more enjoyable, especially if you are bare with somebody you really like being bare with, so bear with me) kissing is an odd thing. If it is a romantic kiss, it is a matter placing one human mouth upon another for a length of time that is determined by time, place, nature of relationship and whether or not children or extraneous family members are within proximity. In other words, this can be a kiss as an isolated event, or as a prelude to enchanting amorous endeavors.
That considered, the fact remains that the kiss is an age-old manifestation of love, trust, respect, and a thousand other positive things. Actually, nine-hundred-and-ninety-seven, but you get my drift. Kissing is practiced in almost all cultures, even though our majority, essentially European in heritage, probably developed kissing’s romantic connection in its highest form. However, to give the complete picture of the kiss, we should consider it in all its expressions, from the prosaic to the sublimely poetic:
The obligatory kiss: This is reserved for aged aunties at Christmastime. This represents the first instant in a child’s life in which he or she becomes aware of the fact that not all family obligations are necessarily fun, especially if the aged auntie has whiskers on her chin.
The family love kiss: These are the kisses between parents and children and grandparents and the family dog and all others that go to making up the unit. These are good kisses, as long as they’re not ritualized, because they indicate to the individual throughout his life, even if he ends up lying in the gutter at the wrong end of a bottle of rice wine, that somebody once cared because his mom kissed him.
The kiss of respect: This is reserved for the Pope’s ring, the Queen’s hand and the Bible. Such kisses indicate that the symbolic personages or icons are the keys to civilization as we know it and should be accorded the highest gesture of love and/or fealty. This is probably the most ancient form of kissing.
The kiss of death: This is a curious perversion of the basic idea that a kiss must be a positive gesture. The kiss from a Mafia boss to an underling indicates that he accords complete trust in the hit man to carry out his grim task. If the kiss is from the Mafioso to a perceived traitor, said traitor knows to not bother buying the green bananas.
Kisses between members of the same sex: This is largely a cultural matter. Women in our society are permitted, and even encouraged to kiss each other. Men, on the other hand, would be violating a significant taboo unless they either happen to be related, or are in a gay relationship. Otherwise, it’s a matter of a cringeworthy nature among straight men. Indeed, most men become stiff and awkward and uncomfortable and go out to buy popcorn at such moments in Brokeback Mountain, for example. Straight men also start to talk in much deeper voices under such circumstances. But, it is cultural, as I suggest. Go to an Italian railroad station at arrival or departure time and you’ll see guys puckering up for each other all over the place.
The social kiss: Usually a pleasant act of trust and friendship between compatible people at a time of arriving or leaving. This kiss is often accompanied by a hug and is directed at the cheek, just so there is no misinterpretation of what has gone on.
The party kiss: Much like the social kiss, but usually the disinhibiting element of booze has been thrown into the mix, such as on New Year’s Eve, and this can sometimes lead to social kisses getting a bit out of hand to the degree, in certain cases, that other amorous behaviors ensue between non-spousal individuals, leaving any divorce lawyers present to rub their hands in venal glee at the possibilities of new employment on the immediate horizon.
The blown kiss and the tiresome air kiss: Hardly kisses at all, or kisses at their most symbolic levels. Both are popular with movie starlets and society matrons who really don’t give much of a damn about the recipients. Mere gestures that should be ignored.
Now that we have considered all those other kisses, let’s look at the real thing: the romantic kiss. These are the kisses about which songs and poetry have been written. These are the good ones, expresses ultimately with a definite conclusion in mind.
The first kiss: This can happen at sixteen or sixty, and in both cases if it is with an especially coveted and desired person, it is pure magic. This kiss is the test, as well. Does it measure up to all prior expectations? After all, you’ve probably been anticipating this moment for ages. Did the sparks fly? Was it sweet and promising; lusty and demanding, or maybe a tad disappointing? Relationships have truly been made or broken at this pivotal point. Just a reminder to newcomers, always lick your lips prior to that first kiss. It will go much better.
The good night kiss: The bane of every teenager’s dating life (and some older daters, too). Should I or shouldn’t I? Should I let him or not? It’s an important decision. If he is too pushy, will she shy away? If he shies away, will she think he’s kind of a dweeb, or possibly gay? It is a quandary, but fortunately one that usually works itself out.
The unexpected kiss: You are expecting a soft and sweet meeting of the lips of the sort that has been promised by a certain biological impulse manifested from lingering eye contact and other gestures from a person with whom you have never indulged in this activity before, but he seems completely amenable to such an oral coming-together. When the kiss begins it is indeed soft and sweet, and then it becomes more and more urgent and powerful and promising. (ahem)
The ‘taking care of business’ kiss: This is the ‘preliminary’ kiss between lovers, marital partners and the like that is designed to take the couple to greater intimacies. If the mood is right, it is a wonderful thing in itself and a vital part of the whole package. Only one important point, take time after all the other stuff has been done to also indulge in a few kisses. Frosting on the cake, as it were and it’s a nicety that stands a body in good stead for a welcome return to such cuddliness at a later date.
Labels: Kisses sweeter than wine
My, you've put a lot of thought into this!
I have to say, that picture has always made me really uncomfortable. She doesn't look to me like she's a willing partcipant. He's got her in a freaking headlock, and her arm is thrown down like she's beeen caught off-guard. If someone kissed me and I wanted them, too, my hand would be up around the back of their neck on on their face or something.
Kisses are sweeter than wine!
"...and I'll give it right back to you."
Cripes, Ian. I know the lyrics and the tune!
Gustav Klimt's, "The Kiss" is my favorite.
left out one, ian: ass kissing, goes on all the time ;) lol
Ah, sweet kisses. I always liked the notice taken in Pretty Woman about the intimacy of kisses being more than that required for sex. The call girl with a heart of gold could sleep with any customer, but would not kiss on the mouth for fear of losing her heart.
You left one out. My husband and I randomly give each other unexpected pecks on the brow, nose, eyebrow or shoulder and it's just another way of saying, "I love you. Thanks for being here." What would you call that one?
You just never know what you are going to find over here, she says laughing.
Thanks for all that careful research and analysis Ian.
Great post, Ian. There's nothing more sweet than a kiss!
I love the Kiss of Respect!! It is in his kiss, let's face it. Nice work Ian.
I can't help but wonder, what that first kisser was thinking when he figured, "hey, let me put my lips on this cavewoman's mouth and stick my tongue in her mouth. That would be fun."
Actually, put like that it's revolting.
Actually, I know I'm in the minority here. (Gee, ya think? Me? LOL) It's a custom that I have never liked. The whole idea is kind of repulsive.
I like hugs. It's all about hugs.
Also, I agree with Citizen about that picture. :)
I know that your name is on this piece but surely you had research partners?
I think that kissing is one of those things that can sound unappealing when described but that under the right circumstances is delicious.
When I was 11, I went to a party where Spin the Bottle was played. I refused to kiss anyone because I knew even then that when I did, I would want it to mean something. For such a fun activity, kissing is pretty serious.
Hi Ian,
Dropped by from Hearts page to visit yours.
I especially love that you put up the photo "The Kiss" (which was completely apropos).
I snapped a rendition of this one and it's on my blog about halfway down on the right side. A local dance company performed a whole segment of their show around this photo, and I was lucky enough to shoot it for them.
I like the way you write and the photos that are here.
Very nice page.
Scarlett & Viaggiatore (the lion)
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