Hideous tragedy in a small town
It’s in the dry zone so there’s lots of sagebrush, cactus, tumbleweed and big trucks hauling unfortunate cattle on their way to the abattoirs from the big ranches up the Nicola Valley. Big-big ranches, like Douglas Lake, once a rival to the Gang Ranch in commodiousness, and formerly owned by ‘Chunky’ Woodward, bossman of late-lamented Woodward Stores in BC and Alberta.
I spent a fair amount of time in Merritt as a kid. My uncle and his clinical partner, best buddies and fresh from med-school had set up practice there as the town doctors. This uncle was my mother’s kid-brother and she liked the company of him and his pretty young wife. So, we would go to Merritt on a fairly regular basis for a couple of years.
For a kid from Vancouver, Merritt was sheer heaven. It looked like a cowboy movie set, and there was good fishing in the Nicola River. When things got boring we could go up to the city dump just outside of town and take pot-shots at rats with 22s. I don’t recall ever actually hitting one. They would sit on the piles of garbage and sneer at the non-crackshot city slicker kids.
But, this isn’t a travelogue in intent. Last weekend something quite awful happened in sleepy little Merritt. It was one of those traumatic events that small towns never really get over. One thoroughly fucked-up guy took it upon himself to murder his three children, ages 10, 8 and 5. What can you say? It was one of those hideous ‘Susan Smith’ (the one who drowned her kids in South Carolina a number of years ago) kinds of things. I have no idea what would go through the mind of somebody who would perpetrate such a hideous act.
The first thing that invariably comes to my mind is: “Why didn’t you just kill yourself and leave the kids alone, you hideous sonofabitch? Do the world a favor and rid the planet of ‘you’.” I have no children. I wish I did. I love kids. And in that I cannot even begin to go there in terms of thinking of the terror of those tykes immediately before. Truly, my visceral response is that for some people hanging is much too benevolent.
But, there is more to it than that. And this is the part that distresses me almost as much as the slaying of the children, and that is the system. In the first place, the suspect, one Allan Dwayne Schoenborn is still on the lam. My fondest hope is that he does the world a favor and ‘offs’ himself. Suicide-by-cop is another agreeable option.
Distressing, however, is the fact that the previous week the bastard was arrested three times, for drunkenness, ranting and raving, causing a ruckus at the kids’ school, uttering threats and so forth. The cops attested he should be held, as he was dangerous. The local courts disagreed and released him on ‘his own recognizance’ Huh? How is a person like this, obviously mentally ill and severely alcoholic able to monitor his own behavior? No, said some judge of some sort, he hasn’t done anything to warrant holding him. I hope that same judge is having some mighty sleepless nights these days. Big gaffe. They guy had a history. He’d had multiple arrests in Vancouver, whence he lived prior to going to Merritt a few months earlier. He had a ‘history’. Somehow, that ‘history’, in an age of instantaneous electronic connectedness did not make it into the hands of this judicial person who made the decision to open the cell door.
Speaking of sleepless nights, the mother, who had had a restraining order against Schoeborn, got the thing lifted. Another huh? Not only that, she stepped out for a few moments on an “errand” on the day in question, and left the kids in the care of their father. Bad judgment calls both. I don’t mean to malign the mother who will be going through the agonies of hell, but I cannot help but wondering what goes through people’s minds at times.
My only final comment is that the judicial system is not just designed to protect the ‘rights’ of bad people, but also to protect the rights of the innocent. The system failed woefully in this case.
Oh no. That poor mother....She'll never see another happy day again, I think.
What a terrible crime.
One of the human mind's natural traits is to try to make sense of things, form patterns and establish cause and effect. Stories like this leave my brain in an endless loop.
Poor children.
I see the judicial system fail on a daily basis. There is a lot of crime where I live (one of the highest crime rates in BC per capita) and it is always the same people committing these crimes (always violent and usually alcohol related). It seems these criminals are always let out on their "own recognizance" despite attempts to build strong cases against them. It's frustrating and unfortunately the result is like what happened in Merritt. Very sad.
This is so sad. What a mess. I agree with Tanya it's just completely senseless. What's awful is it's not an isolated case.
I do feel sorry for the mother as she may have lifted the order because he threatened her and/or the children since he sounds abusive as well - the errand might also have been pushed by the husband under false pretenses. Some things we will never know because we are not in their shoes. If the mother really is that stupid than one wonders if between that and the husband's abusive alcoholic behavior, if perhaps the children were saved years of mental and possibly physical torture.
Hard to know what the mother was thinking to leave the kdis there with him, but I can only imagine she'll be in torment the rest of her days. So much sadness in this case.
Another ugly story which could have been prevented. At least by the police and the court. As Janice says, who knows the mother's story but she will suffer forever for this.
Flowers for Algernon.
The mind boggles over this type of thing. And suddenly I feel like a rather normal person and it feels good.
Oh crap cappity crap, Ian. What a hideous story. It does make the old vigilante mentality seem like such a good idea.
Some say Poor Chidlren. I am inclined to think they are lucky to be gone from the clutches of a monster like that. I hope he rots in some kind of hell.
Have you ever seen a programme called Dexter? When I hear of cases like this, Dexter makes sense.
like you, i've always loved merritt...
and agree, that mofo needs to off himself, yesterday grrrrrrrrr
I imagine the mother was an abused wife who left because he told her to, and "hoped" it would be ok.
Battered women often become incapable of resisting their abusers, even when their children are in danger.
The perpetrator should have been held after making threats, and Child Protective Services should have stepped in long before, if his erratic behavior was known.
It's always worst when innocent children pay for their parent's problems. A horribly sad case indeed.
Wow. Oh, Ian. These are the times, posts that leave me speechless, so I'll just be as such and send out as many postive vibes as I can for healing for the rest of the family. A hideous tragedy indeed.
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