A testament to my buddy, Griffin
Mr. Griffin is, like his master, getting old. He walks stiffly and seems to have some sort of arthritic thing happening in his hindquarters. He is (at an estimate) about 18, which, in cat years, is around 278. But, he is alert, seems to be happy, consumes massive amounts of food, and still manages to get up to puke on the hall carpet. Such are the ways of cats.
I’m sorry that he is getting old. I’m even sorrier that he won’t be around indefinitely. I am sorry about all of that because he and I are ‘connected.’ And, that is saying a great deal for me, since I’m not, in the purist sense of the word, a ‘cat person.’ Essentially, I’m a dog guy. Always have been and always will be. But, dogs are a pain in the ass, too, because they are so needy. Cats are low maintenance. And that’s why I have a cat.
I’m sorry that he is getting old. I’m even sorrier that he won’t be around indefinitely. I am sorry about all of that because he and I are ‘connected.’ And, that is saying a great deal for me, since I’m not, in the purist sense of the word, a ‘cat person.’ Essentially, I’m a dog guy. Always have been and always will be. But, dogs are a pain in the ass, too, because they are so needy. Cats are low maintenance. And that’s why I have a cat.
And therein lies a tale:
I got Griffin (he’s named after a local pub, is what the shelter people told me when I acquired him) back in February 1997. I was recently separated, living in a nifty condo, and oh so lonely. I was then in the midst of pissing matches with my recently ‘ex’ and we were still inexcusably soaking each other to excess. At the same time I, being a relatively outgoing person, wanted company. I mean, what I really wanted was female company. That was what I wanted. That is what I’ve always wanted. But, considering what I had just gone through, I felt it prudent to not want to share my digs with somebody who was going to be hanging pantyhose over the shower rod. Nice thought, but I was still too raw. Anyway, I’d done the ‘rebound’ process before, and that – and I cannot emphasize this enough, is a really STUPID! Motivation for linking up with anybody no matter how enticing they are – wasn’t what I needed. Not just yet.
So, I checked with the condo manager about having a pet. No dogs, he said, but you can have a cat provided it was clean and with the understanding that I would cover all the damages for anything that might get clawed, shredded or puked upon.
So, a cat was what it was to be. I went to the SPCA and was truly specific. I wanted a well-behaved 'adult' cat. The lady at the helm I think could have French kissed me because she was so happy I wanted a grown-up cat and not some cute little kitten. Kittens get adopted. Cats, rarely. So, that meant there were a lot of ‘dead cats walking’ around that place.
“We have such a cat for you!” she said, exultantly and probably not with a Jewish accent. Then, she introduced me to Griffin. Griffin was an adult male, probably about seven years old, well behaved, neutered, and extremely affectionate. He was all of those things. I was sold virtually immediately. And that was how he came into my life.
I got Griffin (he’s named after a local pub, is what the shelter people told me when I acquired him) back in February 1997. I was recently separated, living in a nifty condo, and oh so lonely. I was then in the midst of pissing matches with my recently ‘ex’ and we were still inexcusably soaking each other to excess. At the same time I, being a relatively outgoing person, wanted company. I mean, what I really wanted was female company. That was what I wanted. That is what I’ve always wanted. But, considering what I had just gone through, I felt it prudent to not want to share my digs with somebody who was going to be hanging pantyhose over the shower rod. Nice thought, but I was still too raw. Anyway, I’d done the ‘rebound’ process before, and that – and I cannot emphasize this enough, is a really STUPID! Motivation for linking up with anybody no matter how enticing they are – wasn’t what I needed. Not just yet.
So, I checked with the condo manager about having a pet. No dogs, he said, but you can have a cat provided it was clean and with the understanding that I would cover all the damages for anything that might get clawed, shredded or puked upon.
So, a cat was what it was to be. I went to the SPCA and was truly specific. I wanted a well-behaved 'adult' cat. The lady at the helm I think could have French kissed me because she was so happy I wanted a grown-up cat and not some cute little kitten. Kittens get adopted. Cats, rarely. So, that meant there were a lot of ‘dead cats walking’ around that place.
“We have such a cat for you!” she said, exultantly and probably not with a Jewish accent. Then, she introduced me to Griffin. Griffin was an adult male, probably about seven years old, well behaved, neutered, and extremely affectionate. He was all of those things. I was sold virtually immediately. And that was how he came into my life.
I’ve never looked back. A few months later he moved in with me, I took up with Wendy. After she and I had dated a few times, she came back to my place for the first time She met Griffin. Griffin immediately took to her. Like his master, he likes dames. “You’re a cat person,” Wendy said, her voice filled with delight. “Man, are you going to get lucky tonight.” She didn’t actually say that at all, but I thought it added color to the story. Suffice it to say she was well pleased, since she had two cats of her own.
After dating for a few months, we moved in together. She was apprehensive about the mixing of the felines. I assured her Griffin was a gent and would cause no trouble with her existing neutered females. He never did. They blended perfectly.
Wendy’s cats were quite old and cranky at the time, and have long since shuffled off this mortal coil, but for the time they were together, Griffin was always respctful, let them pass through the doors before him and metaphorically tipped his hat to them always. After hers had gone, we got Stumpy, the bizarre and fabulous little Manx, just to keep Griffin company. They got along famously. But then Stumpy (sigh) died very prematurely a couple of years ago.
Since then, Griffin has been on his own. He doesn’t seem to mind much. He’s back to the way it was in the beginning – just him and me most of the time, since Wendy works out of town during the week (which I seem to hate more than he does). He seems OK with it being just us guys.
And that is my little Thursday testament to my very old cat.
After dating for a few months, we moved in together. She was apprehensive about the mixing of the felines. I assured her Griffin was a gent and would cause no trouble with her existing neutered females. He never did. They blended perfectly.
Wendy’s cats were quite old and cranky at the time, and have long since shuffled off this mortal coil, but for the time they were together, Griffin was always respctful, let them pass through the doors before him and metaphorically tipped his hat to them always. After hers had gone, we got Stumpy, the bizarre and fabulous little Manx, just to keep Griffin company. They got along famously. But then Stumpy (sigh) died very prematurely a couple of years ago.
Since then, Griffin has been on his own. He doesn’t seem to mind much. He’s back to the way it was in the beginning – just him and me most of the time, since Wendy works out of town during the week (which I seem to hate more than he does). He seems OK with it being just us guys.
And that is my little Thursday testament to my very old cat.
Labels: old cats and no new tricks
I've been catless for almost two years now. And I miss having cats somethng fierce. I love the fact that, unlike dogs, they aren't needy and adoring. No one should adore me.
The most Mr. Jazz and I ever had was 5 at a time; they all died eventually.
I'm definitely due for more eventually.
Damn! And I forgot the point of this was to say that was a lovely story. I'll babysit Griffin for you anytime.
Ian I always knew you were an ole softie at heart! What a gorgeous cat you have - and what a heartwarming story of his life with you. I have a wonderful little white fluffball dog who is my constant companion but I do miss having a cat too.
Great story. We adopted both our pets as adults. Well -- the cat adopted my husband. From the get-go she staked him out as hers. I call her his mistress.
If and when I get into a position of being able to have a cat again, I will definitely pick an older adult cat. After all, I'm an older adult and the energy of kittens is a bit offputting at this stage of life. :)
I luv this :)
Awww, what a marvelous tribute. Thank you for including the picture. He seems like a true dear. I miss having a cat, too. Jon says he's allergic. Silly Jon.
I have lived with cats and and I have lived with dogs. But I have a more kindred connection to my cats. What a lovely post, Ian. So special that Griffin and you have each other.
You are so a cat person, even if you don't admit it. People that love to live with animals are the best. I hope Griffin is with you for years to come.
neat wee tale, ian... with appropriate editorial inserts that made me smile, if not laugh out loud!
and mr.g seems like a winner, too
[i too, am a dog type, but like all the dogs i've had, tolerate well-behaved cats ;)]
I love it. No matter what the men's magazines tell you, women love men who love cats. I love dogs as well, but they are, as you said, so needy. Griffin is gorgous.
We are in the process of preparing to lose an old and dear friend ourselves, Harley Davidson Dog. He 'officially' belongs to Q's grandparents, but we have babysat for him on so many occasions, and he is always there when we visit = so we love him too. It is difficult to face their leaving I know. I have told Cathy that if he goes to Dog Heaven (which is run by cats) while I am in Africa, I don't want to know; that way he is still alive for me. Clever eh? I'm very good at denial.
Cats CHOOSE their owners you know, so I think Griffin will let you know when he's ready to go. I love the story of your relationship, thank you for sharing.
We have a black cat called Jack Morly, my son named him. He just turned up on our doorstep out of the blue and we couldn't trace the owner, so he stayed with us. He is a very important and close part of our family. He knew how to get his feet under the table and hisses whenever another cat comes nearby. Why are cats so territorial?
Ah, the gentleman cat. They're a rare breed. Lovely...made me tear up thinking about my old gentleman cat Bentley.
Give Griffin a pat for me, he sounds wonderful.
What a lovely story. He is a very handsome gent.
I would like to get an adult cat, but Gom says NO. I suppose being as he is a Leo, he wants to be Top Cat!
Like you, my husband had a cat roommate for a good many years. He often likes to say "When a guy has a cat, either the guy has become an honorary woman or the cat has become an honorary dog." (Perhaps he's actually quoting someone else.)
Whichever it is in your case, I hope Griffin has a good many more years left in him, even if most of them are spent asleep.
I'm a dog person too but since I love animals I could probably live with one quite happily too. They certainly are different. My daughter has one now which is funny since we always had dogs when she was growing up.
Your description of Mr. Griffin makes me want to own him.
But I already have a dog, who thinks she is a cat ... I'm not sure Mr. Griffin would approve ...
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