Ha-ha-ha-happy go lucky me

Probably you, I would think, but would refrain from saying, not wanting to throw more fuel onto that conflagration.
So, I get the impression from some comments left on my latest blog that a few faithful readers feel I am in a particularly vile mood of late. You know, that I have taken my curmudgeonliness to a higher level or something.
And then, as I re-read my last couple of blogs I could see how a reader might construe my thoughts in that manner. I suppose it does look like I’ve been accentuating the negatives of life. Oddly enough, I don’t really feel that way. A blog is essentially a capsule of a few thoughts revolving around a theme, but doesn’t really reflect my overall view of life, which is relatively upbeat.
So, as I was pondering this, I thought that its origins both lie within ‘me’ but also within something over which I have no control other than to do what I’m told.
I’m generally a pretty healthy guy, and I endeavor to take care of myself. So, when I had my health scare a few weeks ago, it sort of threw my equilibrium off balance. How could I have something wrong with me when I do what I should do?
Anyway, things are under control and I’ve been following clinical advice to the letter and, my doctor has told I that if I do that stuff, I will be jolly fine and healthy. OK. Now, all I have to do is accept it all. That’s what has put burrs under my saddle, I guess.
Then, I was reminded of something. My ex-wife, poor soul (yes, the same one as the cornflakes pee comment) had MS. In that she showed a lot of courage and fortitude. She also got as much emotional support from me as I could muster.
But, she would also do foolish things. She would try to deny her reality by doing the opposite of what she should have been doing. Heat is a bad thing for MS sufferers. What would she do? She’d linger for hours in a steaming bath.
“You are so goddamned contrary,” I’d tell her. “You take a hot bath, and then you’re going to feel like hell. That’s because you refuse to accept the reality of your condition. Your body isn’t going to tell you what to do.”
“You got that right,” she would reply.
“Damn foolishness,” I’d say.
So, I realized that I have been doing similar thing. I haven’t wanted to accept certain realities about me – you know, just little stuff like age and mortality and taking even better care of myself – and while I haven’t flown in the face of doing what I should, I’ve still been left a bit angry about it all. Just like she was. Now I get it and know why she did what she did.
Phew. Glad to get that off my mind.

Now, let’s look at the brighter side of life. I got another award! I got it from my dear and respected blogger friend, Jazz, so that makes it a great honor.
Brilliant Weblog is what the thing do say, and it has to be passed on to 7 worthy folk. In the first place, Jazz chose about half the people I’d like to send it to, so I shall have to choose seven others. Glad to, but again I hate to narrow it down, but I must.
Here is my noble seven with whom I would like to share this puppy:
Liz has become a particular favorite of mine with her Los Angelista’s Guide. She is eclectic, intelligent, witty and a genuinely warm human being with all her values in the right places. She inspires me often. She’ll do the same for you.
Ab-Fab artist Andrea is my next choice. I get green and a few other verdant hues of envy over the stunningly fine artwork of Andrea. But, her blog is also an inspiring, enchanting, thoughtful and intriguing read.
Tanya the Art Butcher is always a delight. Even though she granted me my previous award, I want to send one back to her, since she invariably gives me a smile with her whimsical views of domesticity, family and so forth, without ever getting sloppy.
A person of eclectic tastes and interests always is jmb. I actually know her real name, but I’m not telling. Never content to sit back and let life pass her by, she gets out and grabs the day in carpe diem manner.
Thailand Chani carries her spirituality into realms that can invariably be understood and fully appreciated. I love exploring the subtleties of the human condition with her. Always thought provoking is she and I relish her wisdom.
If you haven’t visited Marianne in Paris, you should. Explore the French capital through the eyes of a young Englishwoman and find some enchanting home thoughts from abroad, interspersed with an inimitable sense of pleasure, and sometimes frustration. And a hint of Jane Austen thrown in for good measure.
Finally, but assuredly not ‘least’ is Lady MacLeod. If you haven’t found her yet, you should. Be prepared for a bit of exotic at a number of levels, including her chosen provenance, Morocco. She can be riveting.
There are more, so many more, and wish I could have picked you all. As I’ve said before, you wouldn’t be on my blogroll if I didn’t value what you write.
Labels: My magnificent seven and more
Thank you so much for the acknowledgment. :)
As to your health scare, I felt the same way recently. I'm 56 - almost 57 - (I wish I had the maturity to back up those years.. :) - and recently had shingles. I was incensed! How could my body betray me that way??? LOL
Aside from being a big girl (um), I haven't really had all that many physical problems. Nothing that can't be handled. And becoming a "big girl" was a gradual process. My body plods along ~ even with a few chronic conditions ~ and I don't think much about it.
Then.. shingles! Those nasty, horrible lesions from hell!
I was angry, so angry! My body isn't supposed to do things like that!
But, alas, welcome to middle age. :)
Thank you so much Ian for this award. It is very special coming from you.
While I think you do a very good rant I see you as a very upbeat person even when you are ranting.
I know a health scare does certainly upset the applecart of one's life (what a metaphor!) but hopefully it is something that can be either cured or managed so that you can get on with being happy go lucky once more.
Hey grumpy -- all you really need is a big hug. :)
And thank you for the wonderful words. I'm a really slack-ass blogger as you know. Love getting awards but suck at contributing and passing them on. I'm congenitally lazy -- just doesn't look that way because I love the interaction part of blogging. That said, I thank you very much and keep on bitching and moaning. We love it.
Congratulations on your award.
I feel, on your own blog, you have the right to be as grumpy as you like!
I actually thought quite a few agreed with your grouches!
Great quote.
We can't all be sweetness and light all the time.
Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! Very excited and proud of this award - will attempt to display it asap.
I hope you're not going to stop your thoughtful and brilliant posts being as negative or ranty as you like: they're always a pleasure and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying we wouldn't have it any other way. x M
We all have our moments of cumudgeonliness that go above and beyond, and thank god for that 'cause otherwise the blogosphere would be boring indeed.
And while writing that I've lost my train of thought, so this comment is going nowhere much sooner that it otherwise would have.
And now, my brain seems to be babbling incoherently. I believe it has just decided to take the day off.
I'd better quit while I'm ahead. Ahead? who'm I kidding... *sigh*
Sounds to me that you are doing quite well accepting your recent health crisis. It is harder for some, though.
I understand that quite well Ian. It is indeed a shock to the system in all respects when we finally realize and then have to admit we are not the invincible person we thought we were.
Aging and its consequent health problems has, it seems, no preferences on whom it places its favors - we all succumb sooner or later :) Glad to know you are managing your health with great care and consideration.
grump away, ian... better'n keeping it all in ;)
So does this mean I can still snap my gum?
I'm sorry about the curve balls your body has thrown at you. It's one of irritations and injustices of being a sentient organic machine, I guess. One feels as young as ever even while getting subjected to increasingly annoying health regimens.
Congratulations on your award, and thank you for passing it to me! You're a hard act to follow, but I'll do my best.
Thank you, Ian! So sweet of you to award me this. I'm should print out my award and pin it to my shirt so every time my mom makes some nasty comment about my hair, I can just point to the award and say, "How ya like me now???"
And I am so glad you're doing alright. No self-sabotage allowed!
Well i'm not going to complain about anyone being grumpy because I love a good moan!! It's a lot cheaper than therapy andfor the general clutter of little anoyances life comes with, more effective.
Of course, it will not surprise you that I love that Thoreau quote. (Okay, "quotation.") Damn those English professors who never leave my head! ;)
It's easy for health issues to throw us off balance. In another incredible yin and yanging by you and me, I have found myself in a very similar boat. (I think my issues are caused by stress, but I couldn't prove it. lol!) I found myself really depressed over it, though, and it wasn't even that bad! Here's to embracing reality so that we can be happy, Ian. As much as I long to believe that Thoreau had it right, I think that the folks who talk about "the pursuit of happiness" may be even *more* right. I think it's something we have to consciously seek, even if that means that we have to go to some dark places or surrender some stuff we don't particularly want to surrender. Hell. How's THAT for a comment?! :) {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}
OH goody! (see hands clapping in glee) thank you sir. I am honored, and especially to come from you, (small curtsy).
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