A veritable octet of stuff that doesn't really define me but gives a glimpse

It’s all about the Number Eight. I’ve done these things before, as have you, but they’re always diverting – or sometimes diverting – or periodically depending on mood, diverting.
Eight things I am passionate about:
My Wife:She is the third of the three and definitely a keeper. Through marriages and liaisons (some terribly jolly and fun, and some not so) I think I have come to know what and whom I want. And, after over a decade together it still works for both of us.
My home:Quite frankly, even though it’s just a cute li’l bungalow that needs a tad of upgrading, it is the home I love the best of others I’ve had. I think it’s something to do with the ‘heart’ of the place.
Intimacy:Not the dirty stuff (well, some of that) but mainly the sort of loving, affection, disinhibition and trust that comes from something that truly works most of the time. Never had that before. Have it now. Want to keep it.
Frying bacon on a Sunday morning: Nothing smells like home and security and peace more than a few rashers in a pan on the day of the Sabbath. Bacon can often lead to hotcakes or waffles with real maple syrup and butter. Best of all is the fragrance of bacon when camping. It just goes with a camping morning. Haven’t camped in years but still have fond memories.
Dogs: Agree with Marianne on this one. Like her Schnauzers, but especially cherish border collies. With only a little coaching they can learn to read quite decently.
Galleries: Love perusing works of art famous and local. When I was younger I had a passion for museums, but latterly it is the ‘life’ of paintings that entices me, rather than the ‘deadness’ of artefacts. One of my greatest joys on my last trip to Europe in late 2006 was cruising the galleries.
Travel: After an extensive journey I try to take more pleasure in home base, and generally that works – for a while – and then I want to head forth again. I only regret that I do not have enough time left in my life to see everything I want to.
Writing something of which I am genuinely proud: Even better, seeing that same item in print. Call it ego if you will, but this is what I do and I want what I do to be good.
Eight things I want to do before I die:
Go back to Europe
Go back to the South Pacific.
Have a book published.
Cruise the South Pacific starting in Vancouver, and then to Hawaii, then to French Polynesia, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, and finally Australia where I can link up with dear friends John and Joy and hang with them for a while.
Travel on a luxury train down the west coast to LA, then east through Arizona, and New Mexico to Texas and all along the Gulf Coast and then up the eastern seaboard to the Maritimes, and then back across Canada. That’d work for me.
Drive a Ferrari Testarosa just once. It doesn’t even have to be very far.
Make love under a bright moon on a Kauai beach. Al fresco amour goes with Kauai, believe me.
Be able to speak French adroitly enough that I can travel there and be able to curse out rude clerks and waiters in their own language, while still being able to order a meal without stumbling with my limited francais.
Eight things I say often:
"Feel like ‘resting’?”
"Assholes! (usually politicians at all levels)"
"Can we call it a day yet?”
"What do you want for dinner tonight?”
”Coffee time!”
"I love you,” to Wendy.
"Tall dark roast, please.”
Eight books I’ve read recently:
The Quiet American, Graham Greene
The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen
Cruel Doubt, Joe McGinnis
Where There’s a Will, John Mortimer
This Crazy Thing Called Love, Susan Braudy
Too Late to Say Goodbye, Ann Rule
Sex, Art and American Culture, Camille Paglia
A Drinking Life, Pete Hamill
Movies I have seen Eight times:(I have to qualify this by saying I am not sure if I’ve ever seen any movie eight times, or that I would want to, but let’s say I did for sake of the meme)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Caine Mutiny
The Time Machine (the old one with Rod Taylor)
The Wizard of Oz (only because Wendy and assorted other wives have made it an annual ritual)
Scrooge/The Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim (probably about 30 times or more)
A Man for all Seasons
A Christmas Story or, the kid with the Red Ryder BB gun.
From Here to Eternity
Eight people who should do this meme:Not going to nominate, but if you're interested please take it on and let me know - would love to read!
Labels: Crazy eights
i love scanning meme's thanks for this. Also, love Farscape.
Very interesting! You have definitely read some interesting books lately! I used to read Ann Rule by the bucketsful. I particularly liked "Small Sacrifices".
I'll take the challenge -- but not yet. It may be a few days before I get back to blogging.
Ah, the ambrosial perfume of frying bacon.... that, more than anything else, poses the greatest threat to my vegetarianism.
Ah, Ian I'm so glad you took this on- amazing that border collies can read - are you joking? I just don't know anymore, since I saw that thing where pigs were playing Tetris with their little trotters.
Loved reading about you and your interests- always enlightening.
A very interesting meme. I will probably pass on doing it myself. I have one outstanding one to do already.
Always a pleasure to read one of these and learn more about you Ian. You do them in your own unique way.
Nice to learn more about you Ian... I might try this one myself eventually.
Good lists. And no real big surprises, somehow, which is kind of nice.
There's so much here I hardly know where to begin! You know how I love Farside. How fun to see you post the cartoon! Your list reminds me of my own and also makes me think I should be reading more books! lol! Have a great weekend, Ian!
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