Friday, November 14, 2008

Face-to-face with Facebook

Old 'realtime' friends

“I haven’t even looked at Facebook for months,” said a friend the other day. A personal friend, who is also one of my FB ‘people’, as are a number of you and many others from hither and yon. “Some of the people on my contact list – and you (she said in reference to me, phew) are definitely an exception – are not people I’m all that friendly with,” she continued, “and a few I wouldn’t want to invite into my home. So, I don’t bother any longer.”

It’s an odd thing, really, a worldwide network of people in varying degrees of separation, linking up electronically to say ‘hi’. I’ve been doing the FB thing – I am a very sparse attendee – for a couple of years now. As it happened my niece contacted me to tell me how “utterly cool” this network was, so I signed on to see what it was like. It was OK. Eventually my own list of contacts increased, and spasmodically I would touch base with individuals who were of more significance to me.

At first it was a lot of fun. I established my links with various people and had chatty online conversations. I also loved punching in names of possibles, just to see if they were out there. Often they were, so assorted bits of ‘auld acquaintance’ were garnered. I suggest that at first it was fun. It still is, to a degree, and I check it out about once a week or so, mainly out of curiosity.

The problem that began to arise for me, however, is that I am a privacy hog. I certainly share who I am with those whom I cherish or like a lot, but otherwise, I withdraw a bit. Furthermore, there are some individuals I have little or no desire to be in contact with, even at the FB level. And, some such individuals contacted me and wanted to establish a FB tie. In some cases I didn’t recognize the names. In others I did, but had no desire to establish connection.

And then I felt a bit guilty. Wait a minute. If a thing is supposed to be fun, why am I getting guilt pangs? Hmm.

In other cases, contact was made. Sometimes nice messages were sent back, and I responded, and so on and so forth. Other times, following the initial overture, a vacuum fell into place and I didn’t bother going back.

I think the reason for the success of Facebook is the sense of alienation so many of us feel at times, and FB establishes a pleasant tie. In that sense, if I get back to you after you have touched base, and if I continue to do so, you know it is because I value you. If I don’t it just might mean that I am past the junior high stage of evaluating my popularity on the mess of friends – Facebook or otherwise – I have garnered. I mean, my contact numbers lie in the 30s. Those whom I actually contact are probably fewer than 10. Hmm, sorta like real life.

Is Facebook different from blogging and are Facebook contacts different from blogroll friends? Absolutely. Even though in some cases ‘my people’ overlap, I know my blogger friends so much better. I know your thoughts, your philosophy, your politics, your loves, your hatreds, sometimes your sexuality, your style, and so forth – often in detail, even at times in TMI. But, that’s OK.

Facebooking, on the other hand, is a little snippet of who we are. It’s cocktail party chitchat as opposed to genuine conversation, which blogging often is.

Ultimately, however, the absolutely best conversations are those ones held live. I’d like to do that with all of you, and I have with some. But, since that quest is likely possible I will say my blog contacts are at least second best.

So, do you do Facebook and do you enjoy the experience and keep up regularly?



Blogger thailandchani said...

I am on it because of blogging acquaintances. To be perfectly honest, if someone is in my past - it's because that's where I want them to be. :)

I'm not a particularly chatty person and don't enjoy cocktail party conversation.

Several times, I've had people contact me and I have no idea who they are. If they let me know they have a blog or a Thailand connection, I add them. If not, I don't.

I don't feel any guilt about it, either. :)


10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I jpined facebook for all of a couple of days then deleted it. I did reconnect with an old high shcool buddy, which was cool, but other than that it just seemed silly. And I didn't want to be so public, given my work. AND someone left a comment on my "wall" that was personal and embarrasing and I didn't know how to delete it without hurting his feelings. So I figured the best way was to scuttle the whole bloidy thing. At any rate, emailing and blogging takes up as much internet time as I have to give.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Synchronicity said...

wow...i keep hearing about facebook but i have not tried it yet. i like the intimacy of blogger. i dunno. i am a fuddy duddy i guess.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Vic said...

I use Facebook to find out what is happening in my sons's lives. As quintesential young males, they don't make contact often, but I can follow their activties and interests quite well through the medium. Don't use it ofr my contacts - I want real contact, not messaging!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Sugar. said...

I'm on FB. I go through phases where I will go on FB everyday and then there are times where I ignore it for weeks. It's kinda fun sometimes but when I get completly bored of it, I'll delete my account.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Janice Thomson said...

I just joined recently at the request of my brother whom I haven't seen for years. We're catching up since we live a province apart and quite different lives. I check in about once a week too as does he.

7:41 PM  
Blogger geewits said...

I'm just going to paste my comment about facebook that I already left on someone else's blog:

I don't do facebook because I'm too lazy to start a new e-mail account and I can't have my real name linked with "geewits," which is my current e-mail name.

because I was too lazy to retype all that.

12:25 AM  
Blogger jmb said...

I am glad to hear you say this Ian, as one of your FB contacts. I was dragged over there by a group of people and participated for a while but it is not my cup of tea.

As you know I don't use my real name (well it was my maiden name) as I went on with blog friends although they all use their real names. I don't know why I did not want to use mine. I put up a lot of photos but later took them down. They say FB is like the Hotel California since you can never leave. I don't know if they have changed that.

1:05 AM  
Blogger laughingwolf said...

i have fb, myspace and twitter accounts, but don't use em much... few contacts... clowns on there using 'laughingwolf', so i can't... now doing nanowrimo, so even less time....

11:01 AM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

No facebook, no my space, etc. Just my little blog.
Thats plenty for me.

Have an awesome weekend.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Deb Sistrunk Nelson said...

I joined Facebook at the request of a blogging buddy, but I don't have true presence there. At the moment, Facebook doesn't seem to fit my style, but I may give it another try. Right now, it's a challenge to stay current with my blogging.

3:28 PM  
Blogger VioletSky said...

I tried facebook, and even found a cousin I never knew existed, then never heard from her again. I still have no idea how she found me, and have now somehow lost my password and access. Now I find blogging buddies are more fun to hang out with. Other than that I'll phone you.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Tanya Brown said...

Facebook bewilders me. I'm glad others find it useful and enjoyable, though.

8:31 AM  
Blogger meggie said...

Haha. I have an empty Face Book. I really joined to see photos of my great nephew. I do have photo of myself, but that is all. I am hollow!!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Jazz said...

I got onto MySpace at one point, and maybe Facebook - but I'm really not sure - to see exactly what it was. I've never been back, to the point that I don't even remember my login or password. If I'm not longer in contact with people, it's because they really aren't missing from my life.

So other than a random "be my friend" email from MySpace from someone I've never heard of, I have no contact with this particular area of the net.

7:47 AM  
Blogger SSQuo said...

I am on FB, being far away from home and seeing my friends located all over the world, it helps me stay in touch with them.

There are cons though: people i dont want to be 'friends' with send you a friend request. Why would someone do that if we were never friends?? That I do not get.

Privacy is very imp. to me too, so have selected the perfect settings so people know only as much as I am willing to share. For e.g. even my wall is not a free for all. I mean if they want to send em a message do so with the 'send a message' option. its personal and means you took the time to make an extra click. Hey! the way I see it is, if I am not worth a click, then you are not worth being on my friend list.

8:42 AM  

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