Unexpectedly, Sarah thwarted the Heathers

For all of her manifold flaws, you have to hand one thing to Sarah Palin: she doesn’t play the game of the 'mean kids.'
On the eve of the US election I was struck by this thought. I mean, here is this bumpkin rube chick from far and away who arrives at a junior high schoolyard in her mukluks and flannel shirts, and all the mean kids with their fancy-schmantzy clothes, the ‘Heathers’ gang up on her; tease her, taunt her, diss her, try to make her cry, wet her pants, fall down, and ultimately run away back to the boondocks. Or, at the very least, to make her really mad so that she'll satisfyingly explode in outrage and send rivulets of mascara down her cheeks before she stomps off.
She never rose to the bait – once.
That bothers me.
This means either that Sarah is way stupider than anyone countenanced – or that she is far smarter than her enemies initially perceived. I shudderingly suspect the latter.
I suspect what she is is wily. She’s like those wolves she enjoys blasting off the tundra. She slowly stalks her prey, quietly waiting for the time to strike. She’s waiting for her chance to get even. Let’s hope that a big majority tomorrow don’t give her the chance because it could be ugly. The taking of prisoners likely isn’t in her songbook.
Meanwhile, throughout the taunting and teasing, Sarah just played along. She even went on SNL herself as a kind of good-humored counter to Tina’s version. Advice to the divinely talented Tina Fey, watch your back if McCain and Sarah should actually accomplish the seemingly impossible.
Yet, surely Sarah isn’t that superhuman and in such rigid control of her emotions. In the dark of night she must have been outraged. What did she do to sublimate? Was she blasting squirrels out of the trees? Hard to say.
Meanwhile, Sarah has continued to be unwavering in her self confidence, guided by her mantra that tells her: “I’m a hottie and men vote with their dicks.”
I hate to think that she might have that right, too.
Quite a piece of work.
To all my American friends, have a good election. Remember, we’re counting on you to do the right thing. And, for God’s sake, vote.
On the eve of the US election I was struck by this thought. I mean, here is this bumpkin rube chick from far and away who arrives at a junior high schoolyard in her mukluks and flannel shirts, and all the mean kids with their fancy-schmantzy clothes, the ‘Heathers’ gang up on her; tease her, taunt her, diss her, try to make her cry, wet her pants, fall down, and ultimately run away back to the boondocks. Or, at the very least, to make her really mad so that she'll satisfyingly explode in outrage and send rivulets of mascara down her cheeks before she stomps off.
She never rose to the bait – once.
That bothers me.
This means either that Sarah is way stupider than anyone countenanced – or that she is far smarter than her enemies initially perceived. I shudderingly suspect the latter.
I suspect what she is is wily. She’s like those wolves she enjoys blasting off the tundra. She slowly stalks her prey, quietly waiting for the time to strike. She’s waiting for her chance to get even. Let’s hope that a big majority tomorrow don’t give her the chance because it could be ugly. The taking of prisoners likely isn’t in her songbook.
Meanwhile, throughout the taunting and teasing, Sarah just played along. She even went on SNL herself as a kind of good-humored counter to Tina’s version. Advice to the divinely talented Tina Fey, watch your back if McCain and Sarah should actually accomplish the seemingly impossible.
Yet, surely Sarah isn’t that superhuman and in such rigid control of her emotions. In the dark of night she must have been outraged. What did she do to sublimate? Was she blasting squirrels out of the trees? Hard to say.
Meanwhile, Sarah has continued to be unwavering in her self confidence, guided by her mantra that tells her: “I’m a hottie and men vote with their dicks.”
I hate to think that she might have that right, too.
Quite a piece of work.
To all my American friends, have a good election. Remember, we’re counting on you to do the right thing. And, for God’s sake, vote.
Labels: A pivotal time
I think that is a very observant take on Ms Palin - that dumb smiley front draws attention away from what she is saying when she expresses a coherent opinion
Oh god what a thought! Too scary... all fingers and body parts are entirely crossed on this side of the pond!
Actually, many of us are fully aware that Sarah Palin is tragically dumb.
Tomorrow I go pick up a bottle of spumante. We don't drink often, but as my husband put it, "we will either have something to celebrate or we'll want to get rip-roaring drunk".
Palin frightens me. Bush with a vagina.
I think she's incredibly stupid and was just excited to be on a hot TV show. And she's creepy. Don't worry, Ian, my vote will be good.
Did you hear the prank call that two Quebec comedians pulled on her? They pretended to be Sarkosy, the French Pres.
Heaven help us if she makes it to the White House.
Palin is an eerily similar copy of my elder sister. Both are beautiful, both follow a weird church (cult?), both hide behind their mostly unremarkable husbands yet talk up their worth as if they are the best men ever to exist. Both ignore the news and anything that requires reading or processing. Both get through life largely on looks, stabbing people in the back, etc.
I've been watching this play out and it's sad. Because the phenomenon of Palin proves one major thing, which many women find unfair - looks will always open doors, whether she has smarts or not. That's sad.
I don't think she has a stellar career - Palin, I mean. The more she talks, the harder it is for people to listen to her. I can't see her rising beyond her current status really, at least not in politics.
Heaven help us is right and yes most men still think with their dicks first.
I tell you I may have to divorce my husband and find me a Canadian to marry if they win tonight!!
Send us down some good Canadian vibes.... ;)
No Ian....she is just that stupid. And she does fit a real right agenda here in the US. And now that the election is over and thank God Obama won, she will have her own talk show on the Fox network in a year or so. She has a bright future ahead of her since she feeds that real negative part of our society that still believes Obama is arab, a terrorist and/or antiamerican. Don't feel too bad for her...she fed right into it and fueled the fire every campaign stop...she's a big girl and knew what she was doing.
You definitely have to give her that. She always looked good, seemed good humoured, smiled a lot, was always articulate (or well rehearsed). But that is the sum total of it. If she is the future of the Republicans heaven help us all if they get in again which no doubt they will sooner or later.
I don't underestimate her. Perhaps if there was more time, she could've polished the issues better. It all worked out in the end, anyway.
i'm just now reading this on thursday, no 6th, and even the comments are refreshing here.
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