'Goin' my way, sailor?'

So, what is a wink? Why do people wink? Do men wink more than women, or vice versa? Does the Queen wink? I think not. Neither does she go to the bathroom.
I was winked at a couple of weeks ago by a woman who lives in my neighborhood. What did it mean? Did it mean I’d said something funny? Did it mean we’d shared a joke? I don’t think so, because I don’t recall any criticisms transpiring. Had she a facial tic? Or did she mean that I’d like you to come to my house so we could take off our clothes? I’d like to think it was the latter, just because it’s flattering and sounds like fun.
Anyway, the world has been ever so slightly abuzz lately with the winks of the redoubtable Veep nominee Sarah Palin. Sarah has been caught winking on a number of occasions on TV broadcasts. It’s good people have been picking up on this because it indicates we need some relief from our anxiety about the world going to hell in a handcart, and all that.
Of course, there is speculation about why Sarah has been winking, and there is any
number of possibilities including:
- Indeed I ‘do’ have a facial tic.
- I think this whole gig is just a great big joke, like you do.
- It’s just the maverick in me.
- Between you and me, McCain’s and my chances – puhleeze!
- I am indeed the ‘ubermilf’ your feverish fantasies have told you.
- Is everybody having fun?
- I actually am Tina Fey.
The wink is an age-old non verbal signal that is widely used by many cultures and has been for centuries. In some parts of the world it is considered insulting; in others overly-familiar; and yet in others it is deemed to label the chronic winker an utter asshole.
I know I probably have winked at the odd person in my life, though I try to avoid so doing for the foregoing reasons – i.e. the ‘asshole’ equation, as an example.
Of course, if one is a heterosexual male, one winks at the opposite sex for probably different reasons than one winks at one’s own sex.
A wink male-to-male usually involves:
- A shared joke at the expense of another.
- Don’t take the fact that your incompetence has just cost the company their half-year’s profits too seriously.
- Get a load of her. Man, she’s hot.
- Don’t take your mother’s ranting too seriously, son. Someday you’ll learn what women are like.
- You think I’ve had too much to drink to be behind the wheel of car? C’mon, officer, we’re both men of the world.
A wink from a man to a woman can involve such things as:
- I think you’re cute and funny.
- No, that wasn’t a pass, I was just jokin’ around.
- With your Scarlett Johansson mouth I’d like to be in a luscious lip lock with you.
- Of course, honey, I think your sister is about as much fun as you do, and possibly more fun than dental surgery without anaesthetic.
A wink from a woman to a man? Well, we’ll just have to ask Sarah or my neighbor down the street.
I was winked at a couple of weeks ago by a woman who lives in my neighborhood. What did it mean? Did it mean I’d said something funny? Did it mean we’d shared a joke? I don’t think so, because I don’t recall any criticisms transpiring. Had she a facial tic? Or did she mean that I’d like you to come to my house so we could take off our clothes? I’d like to think it was the latter, just because it’s flattering and sounds like fun.
Anyway, the world has been ever so slightly abuzz lately with the winks of the redoubtable Veep nominee Sarah Palin. Sarah has been caught winking on a number of occasions on TV broadcasts. It’s good people have been picking up on this because it indicates we need some relief from our anxiety about the world going to hell in a handcart, and all that.
Of course, there is speculation about why Sarah has been winking, and there is any

- Indeed I ‘do’ have a facial tic.
- I think this whole gig is just a great big joke, like you do.
- It’s just the maverick in me.
- Between you and me, McCain’s and my chances – puhleeze!
- I am indeed the ‘ubermilf’ your feverish fantasies have told you.
- Is everybody having fun?
- I actually am Tina Fey.
The wink is an age-old non verbal signal that is widely used by many cultures and has been for centuries. In some parts of the world it is considered insulting; in others overly-familiar; and yet in others it is deemed to label the chronic winker an utter asshole.
I know I probably have winked at the odd person in my life, though I try to avoid so doing for the foregoing reasons – i.e. the ‘asshole’ equation, as an example.
Of course, if one is a heterosexual male, one winks at the opposite sex for probably different reasons than one winks at one’s own sex.
A wink male-to-male usually involves:
- A shared joke at the expense of another.
- Don’t take the fact that your incompetence has just cost the company their half-year’s profits too seriously.
- Get a load of her. Man, she’s hot.
- Don’t take your mother’s ranting too seriously, son. Someday you’ll learn what women are like.
- You think I’ve had too much to drink to be behind the wheel of car? C’mon, officer, we’re both men of the world.
A wink from a man to a woman can involve such things as:
- I think you’re cute and funny.
- No, that wasn’t a pass, I was just jokin’ around.
- With your Scarlett Johansson mouth I’d like to be in a luscious lip lock with you.
- Of course, honey, I think your sister is about as much fun as you do, and possibly more fun than dental surgery without anaesthetic.
A wink from a woman to a man? Well, we’ll just have to ask Sarah or my neighbor down the street.
Dictionary.com defines maverick as:
2. a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates.
In no way shape or form can Palin and McCain be considered mavericks, despite what they would have us believe.
And you know, seeing the American voting record these past 8 years, I'm sort of afraid they actually will get in.
At which point my own winking will definitely become a nervous tic.
I bet the Queen does wink you know. I would LOVE to see that. I can happily say I can't remember a time I have winked at anyone, although I am now recalling the incessant winking of a girl at a party in London at the weekend, and I'm wondering what she was up to!!
Damn. Is that photo of La Palin sporting a bikini and a gun for real?
I just lost your train of thought.
I was cutting and chopping in the kitchen during a lot of the debate and was just listening to it, but my husband was in there watching it and for some reason the winking irritated the hell out of him. My sister-in-law winks at you when she's talking to you and I always found it fascinating. Sort of sweet and bizarre at the same time.
Most unfortunate photo.
Hopefully we won't see too many more of them as she returns to the wilds of Alaska.
I often wink with a closed smile to acknowledge someone not quite close enough to stop and speak with or if they are talking with another. Perhaps I should do it in front of the mirror. Maybe I look like that. Ugh.
I only wink at a friend as a joke or a shared joke. Or my boyfriend on the sly. Usually very discreetly. But never a stranger and never like Sara Palin.
Have an awesome weekend.
Winking sends Little Z into fits of uncontrollable laughter -- which is good, because she's the only person I would ever wink at.
I am not a winker. I don't get the whole winking thing. Yes what is the secret message that Sarah is sending? I really don't want to know.
I am now calling them Winky and Licky.
You do know that gun and swimsuit picture is photoshopped, right?
I think Sarah Palin winks because she is trying to be all cute and folksy and deflect attention from the fact that she's an imbecile. As for your neighbor, you just go right ahead and interpret it in any way that makes you happy. Life is too short not to.
I do wink from time to time, but I don't think I would if I was a leading political figure. I do remember George Bush winking at our Queen. I guess it is an American way of showing friendliness.
Whatever that woman's winks mean, she is one scary person. The more I see of her & listen to her, the more scared I become.
That woman is a danger to us all. Loving guns, hating abortion and flirty winking don't mix. She must be stopped. If necessary, we may need someone to lead a small team of superheroes to take her down. You busy in December?
I think Sarah Palin's wink is her default setting... when she is backed into a corner and can't answer the question because she doesn't understand it, she winks. It is supposed to melt hearts and cause people to focus on how adorable she is instead of expecting her to know any of that dad gummed political stuff.
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