Aloha -- Oyyy

Only three more sleeps, as the silly cliché goes. But, that is the tally as of this writing before the day in which we take off for Kauai. Not such a bad idea. This is despite the fact I’m dreading the flight. Not that I am afraid of flying – at least no more than any terrestrially bound creature who is unnaturally screaming along at 500 miles per at a place 35,000 feet above the firmament – but because of all the bullshit that has turned an airplane journey into a veritable nightmare of inconvenience and abuse by often very, very stupid people.
Remember when flying used to be fun? I do. While I never became a member of the infamous ‘Mile High Club’, a very comely flight attendant once overtly propositioned me. I tend to dine out on that one a lot.
Anyway, Hawaii, and specifically Kauai. This is a place that has always worked for me. Wonderful climate (considered the best in the world), scenery that is almost sexual in its lushness, azure and warm waters, tropical fish, the din of birdsong, and on Kauai, no mongooses (mongeese?) thank God, and tons of chickens everywhere. The chickens are mainly the result of Hurricane Iniki, which devastated the island

I first visited Hawaii back in 1983. I had never really wanted to go. In my biased view it had to be something like Vegas in the mid-Pacific; an entity entirely built around tourism and it surely must be as vulgar as that desert haven to gambling and other excesses. But, that summer my ex-wife and I wanted to go ‘somewhere’ and were at a loss in terms of destination. I suggested Hawaii, just to see what it was like. I thought I’d hate it.
I loved it. The moment I stepped off the plane and felt that velvety air and smelled the blossoms I know I was at an enchanting place. That first year we just did Waikiki; a spot that actually has many more virtues than deficits. Later on I visited assorted other islands: Maui, the Big Island of Hawaii, and ultimately, in 1989, Kauai. I decided then and there that this was ‘my place.’
Kauai is exquisite at virtually every level other than traffic wise – the flow ain’t swift. There is only one main road that goes around about 80% of the island, from the far western dunes and aridity of Polihale, and then around the island counterclockwise to the lush jungle of Haena and Kee at the far northwestern end. Ironically, Polihale and Haena are only about 18 miles apart.
We stay near to the town of Kapaa on the eastern shore. It works for us because it’s a sort of half-way point, and not too far from the ‘big smoke’ of Lihue, whence the planes come and go.
I have lost count of how many times I’ve been to Kauai, but suffice it to say I’ve had two honeymoons there with two different people.
One thing I have decided prior to my departure this time is that I want to make it, even if for only 10 days, a complete break. Consequently, my laptop is staying at home. I expect some agonies of withdrawal, but I think I should be able to handle it.
As a consequence, I won’t be in touch and won’t be blogging for nearly two weeks. When I get back I’ll tell you all about it. Keep the blogging faith, my dear friends.
That is a beautiful place.. and good step in leaving the laptop at home. :) There is too much beauty there to be clacking away on a keyboard.
Travel safe :)
Proud to send you off into the line of fire...such a sacrifice you are making to the blogging world!
"Vegas in the mid-Pacific." What a wonderful turn of phrase!
Have a lovely vacation!
P.S. Could you please lend me some exclamation marks? I seem to be using all of mine up in blog comments.
Have a beautiful, relaxing, wonderful time, unplugged and unhurried. Thanks for the photos (much needed at this hour of the work day) and I look forward to seeing more when you get back! :)
Bon Voyage! (I can't believe you didn't invite me. sniff)
A little jealous to be just getting back to work as you jet off to paradise. But have a great time. Mongi?
Have a glorious time, Ian! :)
Well no wonder you want to slip away to that lovely place for two weeks.
Flying is not much fun these days is it?
My husband is off next week to Sydney, now a direct flight of 15 hours. It sounds enough to drive one crazy.
Have a great vacation Ian and Wendy too. Offline for two weeks? I don't think I could stand it.
It's so good to get away... especially from the computer. Have a great time.
Have a WONDERFUL time. And yes, flying used to be waaaaay more fun than it is now, for a plethora of reasons.
Oh Ian I hope you and Wendy have a glorious time - I know how much that place means to you. Bon voyage and aloha!
have a great time, ian :)
ohh...I am SO envious!!! Hawaii has always been a place I need to visit before I leave this planet. Let's hope that is awhile from now since I have no immediate plans to make it a reality.
have a great time, internet free, and safe trip!
Have fun! My favorite things about Hawaii (Maui) were 1)the lighting, (Everything seemed to bit lit differently than the rest of the world.) and 2)the laid back attitude. It's not a place to go if you want things done right now. Which is how a vacation should be.
You lucky lucky man- & wife!
I hope you both enjoy every second of your stay in Paradise!
Beautiful photos!
Have the best time!
Lucky you, I get to go to Norwich if I'm lucky, and you have Hawaii. I don't blame it, and hope you have a wonderful time.
Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear about it when you return.
damn i need a holiday.
I was just thinking about how much fun you must be having. Hope you're relaxing!
I wanna go! Can I just crawl into your suitcase...I won't be any trouble at all...I promise. i am a blonde and bad at adding. when will you be back?
I am SOOOOO jealous, I feel slightly nauseous.
I hope you have a wonderful time. Really.
Alright, if you're going to be away this freaking long, I hope you at least infiltrated the set of LOST to find out what they heck is going on with that show!! :)
Have a safe trip home.
Hope you are having a great time. In fact, I know you are, who couldn't in somewhere as beautiful?
Have a wonderful trip. I can't think of a better place to get away from it all.
You will be missed!
Safe return and lots of aloha.
If God has a second home outside of heaven, somewhere on Planet Earth, it is in Hawaii. I lived there for several wonderful years as a teen -- beautiful place, beautiful people.
hi Ian, i think that was a good idea to leave the laptop. it'll be a real vacation. the pics are gorgeous. can't wait to hear about your vacation and see more pics when you return. safe travels!
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