I've been told I kick glutealy

Blogging awards do have meaning, especially if one is an Award Whore, and are not to be disregarded. I’m not saying I am an AW, just that sometimes my sense of self-worth takes a pummelling, so it’s a relief to get some recognition from bloggers I regard as esteemed Blogsphere colleagues.
Jazz is one such blogger. And she has deemed that I am a Kick Ass Blogger. I’m touched and flattered, especially when I think that she is more Kick Ass than I am. Her ‘rants’ are brilliantly honed in their wit and her ability to capture all the stuff that pisses the rest of us off and to express in a manner that suits all who detest cant and hypocrisy. While Ms. Jazz may not earn as much as Lewis Black I put her right up there in his exalted pantheon.
So, for her to put me in such a category makes me feel both proud and unhumble. But, not ‘unworthy’. I think I earn my stripes in that regard as well.
So, here is How it works:- Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are "Kick Ass Bloggers"- Let 'em know in your post or blog comments that they've received an award- Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to Mammadawg- Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on!Now, this is the part I hate doing, which is narrowing my numbers down, since all my Blogger people are ‘kick ass’ in their assorted realms, and I couldn’t think otherwise. And, some chosen will be ones I have chosen before for other awards. Yadda-yadda. So, as follows are the five for this time around:
I’m really liking Dita. She’s got heart and soul and just a terrific wit to go along with a number of other virtues. She hasn’t been on my roll for that long, and I can’t recall how we came across each other, but pay her a call.
Liz – Highly intelligent and thoroughly eclectic in her subjects of interest and great thought. I’ve awarded Ms. Los Angelista before and hope I can do so again. We bond nicely in a lot of attitudinal areas and for that I am grateful for her presence.
Leslie – This blogger almost falls into the realm of recreational reading for me as I follow her tales and saga. Kick ass? When called for, most definitely, but never with a jaundiced eye. Just wonderful honesty. I like that. Always have.
Susan, who left her Heart in San Francisco a few years ago, charms the bejesus out of me almost consistently. Funny, honest and genuinely kick-ass. Couldn’t be without me regular dose of her blog. Neither should you.
Carol at A Little Off Kilter is a long-time connection for me. If you don’t like honesty, stay away. She calls ‘em as she sees ‘em, and she’s usually right. She’s also funny, takes fabulous photos, and offers amazingly wonderful recipes on a regular occasion. I like her. You will, too.
And last, but assuredly not least is Chani at Thailand Gal, who is rivetingly honest about herself and the world she sees around her. And kicks ass in a very thought-provoking manner.
(Oops. Silly me. I forgot to establish a link with one of my Kickass bloggers, but have rectified that omission. Sorry, Dita. Now I have one too many, but so did Jazz, so I'm going with my chosen six.)
Please check the aforementioned out, especially if you’ve never been around to their place before. You will not regret it.
Labels: Mon award passed on
yeah, a lot of what you post is kickass, ian... grats!
Jazz is right. You do kick ass! I'll have to check out those blogs you mentioned which I'm unfamiliar with.
Thank you so much! :) It's very kind of you to acknowledge me that way!
Congratulations Ian, you deserve any award that comes your way in my opinion.
It's great, Ian, but I say you go for the Nobel and the Pulitzer because they will look wonderful in your sidebar.
Thank you for giving this one to me. I am honored!
Congratulations. Will make sure to check out some of those other kick asses.
To be put in the same league as Lewis Black just tickles me to death. Thank you.
Your blog totally kicks gluteus maximus!!!
Congratulations to you for being recognized as being a glute kicking king and thank you for also thinking I kick some azz! Now if only my glutes would stop trying to scrape the curb, everything would be A-OK in life!
Congratulations to ou, and thanks so much. I've felt so non-kick-assy lately, that this is really nice to get.
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