Friday, January 11, 2008

How are you handling your 7, or 8, or 230 deadly sins these days?

Just a warning to all of you who might be seeing your New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside with more rapidity than even you expected, Lent begins early this year (on Feb. 6), so all the things you haven’t been able to accomplishment in terms of personal betterment, will continue to be unaccomplished for 40 days after Feb. 6.

But, here’s something to make you feel better, wayward sinner and decadent human being that you are, some theorists hold out hope via resolution compromises. Sort of like trading carbon points, if you will.

For example, chocolate cake and ice cream consumed in the dark doesn’t count as a violation. Furthermore, consuming a new cocktail you found you didn’t like at all (maybe a kumquat and chocolate syrup martini) doesn’t count as a drink. Feel better about yourself now?

Onward, as Mort Sahl used to say – maybe he still does. Is he still alive? – and consider the topic of journals. How many of you keep a journal? In the old days journals used to be called diaries. But, ‘diary’ has a patina of pre-adolescent girl about it (except in the case of Samuel Pepys) so now thoughtful grownups keep journals. Seems sorta more professional, like something a ‘real’ writer would do.

Speaking of ‘real’ writers, what is a real writer? Is that a man or woman who gets paid for their print musings? An awful lot of shit, if you look around you, is done for pay. And, I have no doubt an awful lot of fine bits of literary musings have never seen money or kind exchanged.

Back to journals. I keep a journal. I have for about a dozen years, and I did so sporadically before that, from the time I was in my teens. “She likes me! She really, really likes me! She must; she referred to me by name today rather than ‘whoever’. Of course, she called me Brian rather than Ian, but what’s two letters?”

My current journal is much more adult (God, I hope it is), even sophisticated. If I now deduce somebody ‘likes me’ I merely refer to her as “interesting.” Lets me off the hook.

Speaking of which, how candid should a diary/journal be? I mean by that how we all have thoughts and musings that aren’t necessarily for public consumption (or for other people in the house consumption), so do we censor ourselves?

Do you censor yourself if you keep a journal?

Supposedly the journal loses its therapeutic impact if thoughts are deleted that perhaps should be explored. Good old Sam Pepys in 17th century London didn’t censor himself. He explores his various trysts with comely maids (and there were many) to coming home drunk and pissing in the fireplace. Nice.

Anyway, I probably do some self-scrutinizing. Sometimes I haven’t, and when I look back at old journals I find myself feeling a bit uncomfortable at some of the thoughts I expressed. But, they say that’s OK, too. If some aspect of your life that seemed vital in 1998 is no longer of any import, it may show you’ve grown. Or may not. Life’s like that.


And finally:

Watch what you write department: Sign at the express checkout at my supermarket (which also contains a dry cleaning department): “Why not drop off your pants?” I asked the clerk if the sign meant right there as I was standing in line? What an enchantingly friendly place.



Blogger Ellee Seymour said...

I had planned to have a detox this month and refrain from alcohol and caffeine. I would say I have been 80% good. I must try harder.

Have a good weekend Ian. Don't do anything I wouldn't. ;-)

10:49 AM  
Blogger Echomouse said...

Good heavens, CS really knows how to pick good bloggers. She sent me your way and it's perfect timing apparently!

Journals...I started journalling in 1999 due to concerns about my work environment. My work was confidential so I couldn't air my concerns anywhere. The journal was a good safe place. Since then it's helped with lots of things.

I do read back, lately due to necessity, and find I have grown or healed in certain instances. I don't think I self-edit but I did write the first couple of years in pencil...just in case. lol

I may have to turn a few of those journals over to a judge soon. How's that for timely regarding your post? I'm not happy about it but if it's necessary, I'll do it. Nothing earth shattering in there really. My journals though have literally saved my life so I think it's a good practice.

1:22 PM  
Blogger heartinsanfrancisco said...

Why not drop off your pants and piss in the fireplace while you're at it?

I censor myself to the point that I don't keep a diary, yet I do very little self-censoring on my blog. What really prevents me from keeping a journal is that since I learned to type long ago, my handwriting became both painful to perform and illegible besides, even though those little blank book are so appealing. I have tried journaling on my computer, but never kept at it consistently.

I have always believed that eating or drinking something that proved unsatisfactory didn't count.

"But that was in another country and besides, the wench is dead."

2:34 PM  
Blogger dinahmow said...

"I always say: keep a diary and someday it'll keep you." Mae West.

I'm an inveterate scribbler; in sketchbooks,on envelopes,across calendars.And on the blog.But NEVER anything I don't want people to read!
As for payment...seldom in coin of the real!

2:38 PM  
Blogger riseoutofme said...

Having had one journal read and the contents thrown back at me cured me of ever putting anything of a truly personal nature in print ever again!

And did you drop them?

An auspicious start to the new year indeed.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Janice Thomson said...

I've never had a journal nor ever thought about keeping one. I wonder why some do and some don't.

6:47 PM  
Blogger kimber said...

Remember: When a cookie breaks, all the calories fall out.

11:06 PM  
Blogger jmb said...

Well it's early days yet and I didn't make too many resolutions.
I would not have taken you for a journal person, you have so much opportunity to write.
I don't think I would be game to write down what I really think

11:15 PM  
Blogger geewits said...

I've started journals in the past and then would think, "What if I die tomorrow? Do I want anyone to read this?" The answer was always: NO! Thanks for bringing this up because there are still a few floating around that I need to ditch.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Casdok said...

ummm how many deadly sins have i got?...

12:43 AM  
Blogger laughingwolf said...

i'm like janice... i guess cuz my 'feelings' are all i really have, aside from some memories, and just not meant to be shared with the world

any intimacy i share, is privileged to my sharees

as for the rest, my life is mostly so mundane i can't think of why i'd wanna 'share' any of it

5:48 AM  
Blogger Vic said...

I've kept a written journal at some of the low points in my life, and they make interesting reading afterwards. But then, all these were before the internet became omniprescent, and my handwriting degenerated to a scawl I can't understand.

6:55 AM  
Blogger meggie said...

I have sporadically kept diaries over the years. I always intend to note important events, so I can remember exactly when they happened.
I absolutely cringed when I read my teenage years diaries, & immediately destroyed them!
Now, I suppose my blog is my journal.

11:23 AM  
Blogger aardvark said...

I used to keep a written journal but fell out of the habit. I now keep an audio journal through I call a phone number and record my thoughts during my commute and then receive them on CD. I find I do less filtering when I speak than when I write, plus I call when I have downtime anyway so it's easy to keep up.

11:52 AM  
Blogger CS said...

I used to keep a handwritten journal but, like heart, writing now hurts my hands (carpal tunnel problems for me) and my handwriting is pathetic. I didn't edit much, but some. Now my bolg is my journal and of course I edit. But I put stuff in there code that is just for me.

and from echomouse, above: "Good heavens, CS really knows how to pick good bloggers." Yes I do! I pride myself on my impeccable taste!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Ian Lidster said...

Shucks, cs, thanks to both you and echomouse. I am honored and humbled.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Jazz said...

I've been "journaling" (which is apparently the "in" term now) for almost 35 years.

Those old journals are often incredibly cringe inducing, sometimes hilariously naive. They've kept me sane-ish more often than I care to remember,and helped me work through lots of crap.

I rarely open them, but it's sometimes funny to have a look at the old me.

5:40 AM  

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