I got keys, you got keys, all God's children got keys

But, it’s still too many keys. It is a sign that there are remaining complications in my life, but I don’t know how to get around that. Furthermore, I don’t know how I compare in key quotient with other people.
I don’t like having a lot of keys because I always end up fumbling for the right one. I have a visceral fear that I’ll end up fumbling for the right one at my front door just as a maniac is closing in on me with a machete. That’s not a comforting thought.
The other thing I don’t like about keys is not so much losing them, as acquiring them. I have a drawer that is full of keys for which I have no idea which slot somewhere they might be insertable within. If I chuck them out, will I find out that I have expedited one that I use every decade or so? I don’t know what such a particular key would be for, but it could happen.
The other keys in this drawer are motel and hotel room keys. I have a habit of not giving those back, and some of them go back years and they’re for hostelries in North America, Europe and Hawaii. I’m glad most rental accommodations have gone to key cards. They’re handy and will fit in a breast pocket, and if you forget to return it, they just change the code for the room. That’s sensible and represents a departure from the tiresome traditional key.
We paid a call on the Tower of London in late November, and I noticed in the Bloody Tower they have ancient prison guard’s keys on display. They’re huge things and I thought that if 15th century Tower guards had been in possession of hip pockets, those keys would have left quite a welt. As it is, my current keys can sometimes bruise my hip. They will also eventually poke through the pocket lining and leave a hole from which little change, like dimes, will fall through. Hey, a dime is a dime. They add up.
My point is, however, my current keys aren’t very different from those Tower of London ones. You’d think they’d have improved on the technology by now, but modern keys work in essentially the same way as the ancient ones. We don’t take our laundry and a big stone down to the river to do the wash any more, so why do we still unlock our doors using the same technology that Shakespeare did?
As it stands, I can’t really part with any of my current keys for the time being. How about you? How many keys on your ring?
Labels: keys, locks, time to upgrade our technology
Well key cards are a technological step up but invariably they always demagnetize on me. I even had one of those "carte à puce" go dead at the last hotel I stayed at and they're supposed to be indestructible. I can just imagine having to use one on a regular basis to unlock my house or car. ;o(
I have two keys.....but we have "keyless entry" for many things where we live.
Keyless entries present their own dilemmas....like..."what is the code for this one again?"
Ian, I just wrote a post involving keys. Coincidence.
When we were in Tanzania a few months ago, we saw many Massai wearing keys as jewelry. With that big box of old keys, you would be very fashionable!
We use the same technology to unlock our doors, simply because it's great technology. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
My keys: office, appartment, Mr. Jazz's mom's and aunt's appartments(we live in a triplex and he never has their keys so I'm the designated driver this one). That's five right there. Plus there are three I have no idea about. Where they came from, what they open? Big blank.
But I don't dare throw them out because I'm sure the day I do, suddenly discovering what they open, I will desperately need those keys,
I'm lucky - only one key - which invariably I misplace now and then :)
I deliberatly carry as few keys as possible, I have 5 on my key ring, because they have to fit into my handbag. My husband has a big wadge though, I don't know why or how he manages to keep them in his pocket all day.
I have two keys on my keychain. Housekey and car key. That is my limit.
5 on my keyring, plus the keys to the Kingdom
I have three: house, car, and work. I'm getting rid of the one from work though -- don't need it. We call that a keychain diet. :)
Great post!
does it count if you have two key rings? i have one for the every everyday stuff and one that sits at the bottom of my purse that gets used about twice a week.
have yet to get anything keyless, i kinda like having real keys.
I had to check my keychain, but being an obliging sort, (sometimes,) I found that I presently carry 6 keys: apartment bldg., apartment door, car, mailbox, bicycle lock, and one that is supposed to open the garage door if the clicker doesn't work, but doesn't. Plus the clicker and a Locktronics security device for the car.
This is far too much to carry, or to fit into a jeans pocket. I'm sure the Bedouins do not have to deal with so much metal, just some white sheets and a thermos.
Hmm - I have an office key ring that has the key to the building, and the key to the actual office, plus a key to the house I still own. Inside the office I keep three keys to the three file cabinets (patient confidentiality - they must be kept locked) and key to the bathroom. I have keys to the psychology building and psych office at the local college on yet another ring. Key to my soon-to-be Ex's car so I can put things the kids need in the car. Finally, the key ring I always have with me which has a car key, the two keys to my house (front and back door), and fire-proof safe key. Whew, that's 14 keys I use regularly, not to mention the duplicates I have of sme of them just in case! But, I have one of those remote thingies for the car on a clip and I detach it to take with me, and leave the rest in the car most of the time.
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