Tuesday, January 30, 2007

So -- I was tagged and now it's your turn

So, I seem to have been tagged by Heiresschild, and as an upstanding blogger, I supposed I have to play along, including returning the ‘compliment’ to six other goodly folk. Have fun, folks.

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about him/herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things, as well as state this rule clearly for the next tagged people. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged, and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog that says, "You are tagged," and "tell them to read your blog."

1. The only reasonable use for holiday turkey is cold, in a sandwich made of the crappiest and softest commercial white bread (like Wonder, or an equivalent) with stuffing and Miracle Whip. I’d rather have that than chateaubriand.

2. I detest riding on buses and always, even if I haven’t consumed a drop of coffee, develop an overwhelming urge to pee the minute I get on. The longer the journey the more the bladder pressure. I think this is my internal mechanism’s comment on my detestation of buses.

3. Even though I am a Canadian I have an almost visceral hatred of ice hockey. I don’t know why, since it’s only a stupid sport, and other sports don’t impact me like that. I think football is boring, but I don’t hate it. And, I love ice-skating. But, I loathe hockey and to have to watch a game would be my idea of torture. Maybe I hate it because I’m supposed to like it.

4. I develop a personal antagonism for comedians I don’t find funny, and I resent any successes they have in life. It repels me that obnoxious Howie Mandel has a hit TV program, and the fact that somebody finances sophomoric Adam Sandler (arguably the unfunniest human being who ever lived) to make movies is beyond my comprehension. Needless to say, Jerry Lewis was never very high in my pantheon of funny people.

5. While we’re on this track of negativity, I must say that clowns make my skin crawl. I found them frightening when I was a child, and as an adult I find them obtrusive and rude, especially when they dare to get into my space or face. “FO!” is the only expression that leaps to mind at such times. I do make an exception for good old Krusty on the Simpsons, however. I like his decadent candor.

6. I have probably unwittingly (or even wittingly) broken a few laws during the course of my lifetime, but I have never, ever stolen anything. I mean, ‘anything’, even an apple from somebody’s tree. I don’t know why that is so, other than that I’ve never thought it was my right to take something that didn’t belong to me. Consequently, I have zero-tolerance for theft and any time I’ve been ripped off has felt like a personal violation.

OK, as much as I hate doing this, I tag: Aliemalie, Tai, Geewits, DJN, Le Nightowl, and Jazz. It was difficult to narrow this down, so anybody else who wants to play along, please do so.


Blogger Tai said...

I've been TAGGED!

Well, I've been contemplating revisiting that '6 weird things about me' blog anyway, might as well try to think of SOMETHING!
(I didn't do all that well the last time I tried to put one of these together!)

11:25 AM  
Blogger Jazz said...

I'm not sure I'm all that weird, but I'll give it a try...

Lots of people loathe clowns. The only one I ever hated was an antique Christmas ornament my mom had (which my sister has now). It hung there on the tree looking evil (and it still does, I swear! truly truly evil!) and scared the bejesus out of me. Whoever designed that clown had to be completely psychotic.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Marie-Hélène Raletz said...

I'm afraid I've been tagged a few days ago, by LGS, for the same meme, and I still haven't been able to get down to it.
Do you think my meme reluctance is a weird thing? In this case, make it item # 1 :)
... I appreciate the thought, nonetheless!

9:05 PM  
Blogger heiresschild said...

ian, thanks for being a good sport (what's that?) and playing along. i had fun with it, but then, it doesn't take much for me to have fun. *lol*

#2 - i'm glad i don't have to ride any buses with you.

#4 - i'm adding carrot top and ant to the list of 'unfunny' comedians.

#5 - i've never watched the simpsons, but i remember the clown at my cousin's birthday party, who fell down, trying to run away from the children and started cussing.

i might have missed earlier comments from you on tagging.

11:08 PM  
Blogger geewits said...

1) Your turkey sandwich sounds like a bad idea on bad bread. 2) I have no experience with buses but I imagine the same thing would happen to me - besides, I would be full of beer! 3) I like ice hockey but don't go out of my way to watch it. It's better if you are in the arena. 4) Ditto! 5) Ditto! 6) Yay for you, but mostly a giant nod to your parents.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

You HATE hockey??!?! We can no longer be friends. I'm sorry. I can only over look some things. That's too much.

j/k ;)

6:43 AM  
Blogger kimber said...

I've never before had a great fondness for Howie Mandall, but I've started watching his show because he has an obsessive hatred of people touching his hands, and it's fun to watch all of his creative ways to avoid touching the hyper, 'hug me hug me!' contestants. :)

10:58 PM  
Blogger djn said...

I'm taking you up on this -- thanks.

Please eat a turkey sandwich for me too -- that sounds killer!

7:00 AM  

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